Terrifying predictions about Bulgaria. Reverend Stoina - confessor of Vanga

28 July 2015 Travel time: with 08 May 2015 on 14 May 2015
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A sacred place of power in Bulgaria. Golden leaf. Journey to the zone.

Greece will sink, the White Sea will reach Petrich, a second moon will appear in the sky. Witches, vampires, witches, magicians, devils, soothsayers and other dark and light shaitans. They are in Bulgaria. Many. Bulgaria is full of places of power, zones, energy sources and other incomprehensible phenomena. That is why there are many of these non-standard comrades, leading and predicting. One of these places is the village of Zlatolist, Melnishko. Where she lived 20636#. VbbEffntmkp" target="_blank">Rev. Stoina. A blind soothsayer, whom Baba Vanga considered her confessor.

I was there once and what I will write now will be told almost without embellishment and fiction. The reality of life, so to speak. What he himself experienced is difficult to convey those feelings from horror to complete relaxation and inner buzz.

So. The place of power is the village of Zlatolist. Reverend Stoina.

With an unearthly gift against various diseases, and I saw ahead what would happen, Reverend Stoina. Blind, the same as Vanga, and on September 9 it will be 130 years since she was born white and died before Vanga, and, according to some signs, Vanga took all the power of Stoyna after her death. And she continued her broadcasts and predictions.

The Church of St. George in the village of Zlatolist, where St. Stoina lived, is the only place where the Mother of God is depicted bare-chested. In that church there is a marble slab with a double-headed eagle on the floor, right in the very center. Standing on this slab, you can feel how a huge force of energy passes through you from the earth into the sky with noise and flies through your spine. Probably it opens Kundalini or healing bioenergy cleanses. I stood on that stove. Feelings I will tell you, strange. Interesting. It seems that all the saints looking from the icons speak to you with their inner voices and how you are present at the Last Judgment and you carry answers before the Holy Trinity.

Many psychics from Russia and all over the world visit this place, sleep in the church and lie on the floor, "recharging" in this way. What is the true truth - and I myself, being there, saw these recharges of people with unexplored abilities.

I once spent the night in that temple. I lit candles and stood on a stove with an eagle, feeling like article/article-29738#. VbbKQPntmko" target="_blank">time flies through me and how reproachfully the saints look at me from the iconostasis. He lay down on the bed and couldn't sleep. Different thoughts raced through my brain, my whole life passed during the night that I found myself at confession, but not in front of the priest, but directly in front of Him.

This place is of enormous powerful energy.

I can take people there or organize a group to visit and spend the night and recharge, if necessary.

And in the yard there is a plane tree, ancient-ancient. And on the plane tree, the swing is tied. And if someone cannot get pregnant, then, swinging on a swing with this and asking Stoina for whoever they want, in 80-90% of cases, conception occurs. Vicious naturally, with the help of the other sex. And the locals, only pensioners left, talk about it.

The Force is powerful. The place of power is unique. No wonder those who know come here. They stop at Zlatolist, and then go to Rupite to see Baba Vanga. And charged psychics from all over the world leave for their homelands, broadcast, predict, heal, and what the hell else to do for people in need.

In the morning I got up, clean, enlightened, I felt great, just like a baby had left the church early and grabbed one hitchhike to Sofia. Lucky. I left under the strongest impressions, which again changed my outlook. The reboot went well. The feeling of inner peace and spiritual purity was similar to when I climbed through the cave of Ivan Rilsky, located not far from the Rila Monastery. Clearing all of you at the molecular level is probably the best way to express what went through me. The unknown and incomprehensible power of purity.

I wish you all the same.

Bulgaria is a good country.

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