Sudden voyage through 4 countries and a sea of ​​impressions

15 august 2017 Travel time: with 29 July 2017 on 02 august 2017
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I apologize in advance for my lack of literary talent. Please forgive me, if so. During the period of rest in a sanatorium in Svetlogorsk, the idea of ​ ​ ​ ​ traveling to Europe matured. Very successfully and quickly found a tour with a friend 2 days before the trip. I - without any knowledge of the cities of the upcoming tour. But now, after returning home, there will be an opportunity to replenish their knowledge. Everything was organized according to the program. The representative of the company Leonid accompanied and told the whole trip. It was very interesting, easy and safe. On the trip there was a wonderful team of tourists from our group, all very calm and interesting people. I was limited in funds, but despite these my difficulties, I received a lot of wonderful emotions and memories! For which many thanks to Leonid, wonderful guides in Vienna Maria and Olga in Prague! Below are some photos from a huge number of photos taken during the trip.

All the best to you, fulfill your desires!

Morning after spending the night at the hotel "AnnaHof". Czech Republic. Wonderful and cozy hotel! The most interesting things are ahead! Great mood!



Magnificent view of the city from the height of Prague Castle

Visit card of Prague №1

Arch of the Charles Bridge.

Visit card of Prague №2

At the bottom of the street of a passer-by, a view of Charles Bridge

The Church of St. Ludmila brought us delight and peace. Nirvana inside. We have never felt so calm and well in any temple. And most importantly, without the crowds of tourists.

Stained-glass windows of the church

Night Prague

Life is in full swing even at night)

This was worth the trip!

Bastei Rocks. Magnificent sight and climate in the mountains.

Below the Elbe

Saxon Switzerland National Park

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Прибытие в Вену. Вена очень напоминает Петербург и памятник Марии Терезии очень похож на памятник Екатерине)
Шикарный вид. Но не хватает каскада фонтанов (как в Петергофе)
Прага. Пражский Град. Смена караула. Кстати, чешский дизайнер формы одежды караульных нам известен по великолепным костюмам в фильме-сказке
Потрясающе-устрашающее зрелище на средневековье
Великолепный вид на город с высоты Пражского Града
Визитная карточка Праги №1
Арка Карлова моста.
Визитная карточка Праги №2
Внизу улочки одного прохожего, вид на Карлом мост
Костел Святой Людмилы привел нас в восторг и умиротворение. Нирвана внутри. Никогда нам ни в одном храме не было так спокойно и хорошо. И главное, без толпы туристов. Обязателен для посещения (Людмилам особенно)
Внутри костела
Витражи костела
Ночная Прага
Жизнь кипит на мосту и по ночам)
Ради этого стоило ехать!
Скалы Бастай. Великолепное зрелище и горный климат
Внизу Эльба
Национальный парк Саксонская Швейцария
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