Valencia is the city of science and art!

07 February 2013 Travel time: with 01 April 2012 on 01 July 2012
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On this tour we will visit the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia (tickets to the Science Museum and Oceanographic are included). The City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia was conceived as a symbol of cultural tourism and activity, a hallmark for which Valencia has become famous throughout the world. This is an extraordinary variety of fantastic designs. The museum offers the public an exciting journey into the wonderful world of science, nature, music and art.

L'Hemisfè ric (Hemisphere): was the first building of the complex, opened in 1998. The building is in the shape of an eye, over 100m long, the pupil of which is a huge auditorium. It is the largest hall in Spain and offers three playback systems on a 900 square meter concave screen:

- Playback of IMAX Dome images.

-3D travel through the Universe on a huge screen with an area of ​ ​.12x6 meters.

- Traditional Planetarium.

Prince Philip Science Museum: a three-story building in the shape of a dinosaur skeleton, the very appearance is admirable. The exposition of the museum is a variety of interactive exhibits. The Prince Philip Science Museum has become the world's model of interactive science and one of the most visited centers in the country, with more than 25 million visitors since its opening in 2000. The main goal of the museum is to awaken curiosity and a critical spirit, it surprises and entertains the public with the content it offers regarding the world of science, technology and the environment. Entrance to the Science Museum is included in the tour price.

L'Umbracle (Green Garden): This is a fascinating walk through a large botanical garden, which displays thousands of plant species from around the globe and is covered with floating arches. This is a huge observation post from where it is possible to see the entire complex of the City of Arts and Sciences.

Inside the building there is a Sculpture Alley - an open-air art gallery with sculptures by contemporary authors (Miguel Navarro, Francesc Abad, Yoko Ono and many others... ). The Umbracle is an observation post covering more than 17.500 square meters from which you can admire the majesty of the buildings, ponds, alleys and green areas of the City of Arts and Sciences. Plants typical of the Mediterranean, the Valencian region and the tropics, which change throughout the seasons, are exhibited here, as well as examples of contemporary sculptures on the avenue de l'Art.

Oceanográ fico (Oceanographic): This is the largest oceanarium in Europe, with an area of ​ ​.110, 000 square meters and a reservoir capacity of 42 million liters of water. Each building recreates different climatic conditions.

We remind you that tickets to the Science Museum and Oceanographic are included in the price of the trip.

Reina Sofí a Palace of the Arts: This is the theater of the Valencia Opera, and the seat of the Orchestra of the Valencian Community. It has four large halls: the Main Hall, the Pedagogical Auditorium, the Amphitheater and the Chamber Theater. Also an exhibition hall. It is dedicated to music and performing arts.

Ponte l'Assout de l'Or connects the southern ring road with Rue Menorca Its 125-metre-high pillar is the highest point in the city. Known as "jamonero" is a suspension bridge that crosses the Turia Garden.

It was designed by the architect and Valencian engineer Civil Santiago Calatrava. The bridge is held together by 29 cables that come out of the front of the pole and four additional ones for support. It is expected that it will be able to withstand the daily flow of 70.000 vehicles.

Agora: Covered square where concerts and sporting events are held, such as the new big award of the Valencian Tennis Society.

The base is made of metal and covered with a mosaic of broken blue shards and glass. It is 80 meters high and covers an area of ​ ​.5, 000 square meters.

According to the Calatrava project, the square has the shape of two intertwined arms, and the upper part of the Agora consists of several rows, which allows you to adjust the amount of light that enters.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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