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What or who should be feared in Sri Lanka???
We are traveling with a 10-year-old child on an autumn vacation in tangerine beach. After reading all the reviews, I began to think: is it worth it to go at all? Terribly afraid of crawling reptiles. People write about how snakes lie curled up in the grass. Someone tell me this is not true. What are the dangerous creatures in the ocean? I would be grateful for an answer
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15 subscribers  • asked 2012-09-1512 years ago
Answers  •  30
аватар serega829
On the territory of hotels and towns, except for monkeys and geckos (small lizards, absolutely harmless), no one was seen. Sometimes monitor lizards ran through, but they themselves do not approach people and it is not necessary to climb to them. We saw snakes only when we went to the jungle on excursions, there are quite a lot of them, it’s better not to go there without a guide. In the ocean, we saw only beautiful fish on the reefs in Trincomal, well, turtles sometimes swam up to the beach. Just don't touch anything with your hands and that's it, BUT do not forget that this is still the Indian Ocean. The conclusion of this whole story :) is that, in my opinion, there are more risks of suffering from stray dogs, in Russia or Ukraine, for example, than from living creatures in Sri Lanka. Just the main rule - do not touch anything moving with your hands (monkeys and turtles as well).
Relax and have a good rest!!!
аватар ruban_e
One answer is enough to instill confidence in me !!! Thank you Serega829!
аватар gertzog9
we were just in tangerine in february. We didn't see any dangerous animals there! and the hotel takes care of it. palm squirrels and 2 monitor lizards run around the territory. But just in case, I would not take a room on the ground floor. there are only small fish in the ocean near the hotel. so you are lucky with the hotel. I agree with serega829: if you don’t touch anyone on excursions, everything will be fine
аватар Tatyan678
I rested with my husband in a nearby hotel (Royal Palms), they have almost the same territory with Tangerine. There are a lot of chipmunks (they climb onto the balconies in search of food and can get into the room if you leave the balcony open). There are a lot of crows that quietly steal keys and mobile phones (do not leave them on the balcony or in an open restaurant unattended). It's better to go alone for food. k. again, the crows are just waiting for something to eat from your plate. There are white herons, but they do not let them close to them. We have never seen snakes on the territory of the hotel! There are no spiders and various scorpions either. The only thing your child needs to be afraid of is the OCEAN!!! Waves are always there, knocking down immediately. On the last day of our vacation with my husband, early in the morning we barely managed to help a Russian tourist get out of the water (she lost the top of her swimsuit and swallowed water). There are no lifeguards, although the tower is standing. My husband is from Riga, he swims like a fish, and even then he did not dare to swim far. I won’t say anything about sea reptiles - the water is not transparent and you can’t see who swims in it !!! I don’t know what kind of fish you wrote about in previous answers, but you won’t see them on the beach of your hotel. There are no monkeys either!
аватар serega829
Yes, I completely forgot about palm squirrels))), lovely creatures, in fact. Regarding the waves in the ocean, in November (I just don’t know when the children have holidays now))), it should already be calmer, but still better without fanaticism, we were really knocked down during the off-season!
аватар ruban_e
Guys, thank you all for the answers and for the support !!!!!
аватар Lanka-Lanochka
You should only be afraid of prejudices "someone seems to have said something"))
At the same time, the tropics and the ocean live according to their own laws, and they must be reckoned with.
On the beach there are insidious midges whose bites SOMETIMES cause an allergic reaction in SOME people.
Repellents (sprays or citronella oil - available in Ayurvedic pharmacies in Lanochka) will help to avoid such troubles.
The snakes that are found in the coastal zone, SAMI avoid crowded noisy places. But in the dark, do not wander on the grass, outside the illuminated paths.
Waves, even the mildest ones, are still oceanic, powerful, rolling back from the shore, sometimes literally "pulling" behind them. Therefore, enter the water sideways, exit also sideways (not with your back).
Wash your hands often, wash fruit thoroughly, and don't buy sliced ​​mangoes and pineapples from dubious vendors.
In a word, reasonable caution does not hurt.
In general, Lanochka is a friendly and safe country for traveling. I am sure that when you return, you yourself will be able to tell someone about it with confidence. So - have a nice rest ;-)
аватар Deuce
Ukrainians have immunity to all the bastards of Lanka)) They bit, scratched, everything was on the drum))
аватар genanika
There are many snakes there. And this is quite serious. In that Bot.Garden they crawl quietly .. not to mention the jungle. THIS is wild nature ... there are scorpions and spiders ... Well, this is the jungle ...
They can crawl anywhere. All this is there. There are a lot of cobras, there are flying snakes ... Boas, everything is there. do not believe those who say that everything is calm there. Lies.
Usually they praise and let out pink exclamations, people who are interested .... The island is chic, but it has everything .. and snakes too.
аватар genanika
In the same Dikwella, a healthy boa constrictor crawled out to us, right between the tables in the restaurant, there was a chicken coop nearby ...
They are often found in spice gardens ... I generally keep quiet about rice fields ... there are a lot of mice, and mice are the food of cobras.
On tea plantations per year, at least 100 bites from them. Women, mostly barefoot, gather tea, they don’t see snakes under the bushes, they advance ..
You need to be careful.
Just be careful. snakes don't attack. they are peaceful, they themselves are afraid, but this is their territory ... Walk on paved roads, and do not climb into the jungle.
GOD saves the safe.
Good luck.
аватар serega829
genanika, I praised Sri Lanka, including in this post, but I am not an interested person, I am an ordinary traveler ... Do not throw stones at other people's gardens. No one wrote that there were no snakes at all. In order to find out this, it is enough to read information about the country, since it is enough. The question is, do tourists suffer from this??? I have not heard of anyone who was bitten by a snake or stung by a scorpion. And once again I can say with confidence that everything is calm there (subject to the observance of elementary safety rules).
аватар nastya_lottour
I agree with serega829 completely. Of course, in Sri Lanka there are insects, and lizards, and monitor lizards, and snakes ... You can't get away from this. But each person chooses his own path ... So I advise you and your child to simply walk along specially marked paths and paths. Especially in the evening - it is better not to turn off the illuminated paths.
And this is not because a snake is 100% waiting for you there, ready to bite right there. Not! It's just basic precautions.
And mosquitoes, like everywhere else, are also in Lanka. Just take a special tool with you just in case. And I also advise you to put antihistamines in the first aid kit (just in case). As you understand. It is difficult to predict the reaction to the bite of the same mosquito ...
аватар ruban_e
Oh, people, how stsikotno :-))))) and yet I really want to go THERE !!!
аватар genanika
No offense.
If mosquitoes or beach fleas bite ... don't worry ... the best remedy grows there in Ceylon - ALOE. They plucked it, anointed it with juice and order.
Do not let your child into the ocean ... The wave is constantly and in season. I'm talking about the off-season. To swim well and calmly, you need to look for lagoons. Beware of sea urchins, but they are near the rocks.
The food in the cafes is spicy and very warn the waiters in advance. Although I love the spiciness of their dishes.!
Although in hotels they hang signs with peppercorns on dishes (one, two, three)
Well, Kalutara, in general, the place is already touristic, there is civilization. So everything will be normal.
Have a good rest . You will like Sri Lanka - this is 100%, but you have to be careful. That's all.
аватар ruban_e
Yes, what kind of traveler am I, I'm a coward and ... (a phrase about stsikotno ):-))) God forbid I don't change my mind :-), when I think about snakes, I squeeze into a chair :-). How I even managed to come up with the idea of ​​​​going there is still a misunderstanding :-)
Folks, I didn't expect you to be so lively here :-), you are a whole brotherhood of caring and sympathetic people here! Respect and respect to you!!!
Serega829, Special thanks to you for your advice and recommendations, I will definitely follow them :-)
аватар nastya_lottour
I’ll tell you a secret - I’m so afraid of snakes that even when I see it on TV or in a picture, I immediately close my eyes tightly with my hands!
my colleague told me before the trip to Lanka: "thoughts are material! do not think about the bad!"
I did so and didn’t meet a single snake! :)
so don't think bad! and you yourself will not notice how, after returning from Sri Lanka, you will start planning your new trip to this wonderful island :)
аватар ruban_e
Oh, thank you, nastya_lottour, I'll try not to think about them :-), look no one will bite me ;-)))
аватар serega829
ruban_e, always happy to help :))) I'm sure you'll like it :)) By the way, I confirm that what was announced by genanika, aloe is a very good remedy, and not only from mosquitoes. By my own stupidity, I was lucky enough to burn out in the sun :-) (to such an extent that I really couldn’t get up in the morning, by the way, this was the only trouble), and so, not a single burn cream helped me, and the hotel staff, having seen it, brought me aloe leaf, my wife smeared me and after 30 minutes. I was lively :)).
аватар mira972008
I didn’t see snakes, there was only one small crow in the territory, and that’s all, and there were no mosquitoes. The service brings tablets to the fumigator every evening. They clean the territory from six in the morning. .I also got burned on the last day, although I was only under the sun for two hours, they smeared me with scarlet, but I still peeled off. and back.
аватар Stogova-06.m
And I was in Sri Lanka 2 times, and on December 29, 2012 we fly for the third time. Yes, indeed, there are plenty of living creatures. Well, how cute they are there. Our 10-year-old daughter managed to grab a hefty jaguana that lives on the territory, when I saw it, I almost lost consciousness, it turns out to be very dangerous, a tail blow can cause injury, but everything worked out, I have such a fearless child. I didn’t see the snake, but my husband saw it, and was delighted. How beautiful she is. The last time we had a hickon in our room, God, how cute he is. By the way, they are everywhere. And in general I adore, I adore, this country!!!!!!!!
аватар genanika
It's good that your daughter was not bitten ... infection on the teeth of these creatures leads to death when bitten .... and a blow with a tail to an adult uncle will break bones ... like a sliver ..
don't joke with things like that. There is no medicine in Sri Lanka ... There will be no one to save ....
Everything should be treated soberly and weighed.
аватар Stogova-m
Well, it’s just that my daughter has no one to be afraid of at all, and it’s completely impossible to control this under an hour. In general, jaguanas are not at all dangerous, they are cute animals that do not touch anyone.
аватар genanika
That's your business......
аватар krava1000
there are a lot of living creatures, but this does not mean that you need to be afraid of it, - Just Be Careful and do not tune in to the bad, WE RESTED GREATLY, and even Got Married and Married .. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
аватар alena19apr
Krava1000, please tell us about the wedding.. we are also planning a wedding and choosing a hotel!
аватар Ksena.
Arrived 3 days ago. Rested for 14 days. We saw ravens, many monkeys, an elephant, small iguanas, and on the day of departure we saw a snake on the territory of the hotel. Although there is a two-meter concrete fence around the hotel, with a tense meter grid on top. The owner of the hotel said she fell from a tree. Everything worked out. Didn't bite. But even the fact of this unpleasant meeting did not spoil the impression of the country. This is heaven on earth, provided that you do not pay attention to their way of life. They are working hard for us. Maybe in 10 years, they will learn to live cleaner, and they are very friendly and smiling people, despite their hard and poor life.
аватар vferodoffv
I am planning my first foreign vacation in my life. For some reason, I dreamed about Sri Lanka all my life. I have read a lot of all sorts of reviews for many years .. snakes, monitor lizards, crocodiles, monkeys ... but none of this can dissuade me from going there .. Although I am afraid of everything that is more or less than two limbs) Thank you all for the accessible explanations , stories. I'll be back, I hope I'll unsubscribe)
аватар Dasik
We have been to Sri Lanka 3 times. Lots of chipmunks, monitor lizards and jaguanas. Don't touch the animals, they are afraid of you. There are elephants and a few monkeys. You will see snakes only if you specially go on an excursion to the mangroves on the Bentota River, to the Sinharaja forest, on a safari in Yala. Although there is a risk of being bitten if you wander at night not along asphalt paths, but in the dark on the grass and accidentally step on a snake. On our last trip, we were shocked by the large number of mosquitoes (in the evenings), even the locals note this. The country is amazing with its nature, very kind people. We will definitely come back to Lanka.
аватар goryashchenko_a
We met an incomprehensible black two-meter snake right in the hotel during the day, at 12 o'clock, that is, it was light.
аватар vferodoffv
He lived in many guesthouses and hotels .. Once a Python crawled out on the territory of the hotel 4 meters, another time they went to the room, a cobra sat in a ball near the room. The main rule is to keep the doors and windows closed .. so that there are no surprises in the bag .. There was also a case when you open your eyes and a wild monkey is looking at you in the room. The ocean is also different, both with very strong waves and calm lagoons .. but even calm lagoons sometimes bring surprises with a current that can drag into the ocean. As for the children, I don’t even know, I didn’t dare to take mine there. The first reason is food .. it’s hard for a child to find something Not spicy .. All the same, Sri Lanka is a magical exotic, where you want to return over and over again. And of course, the one who comes here for a beach holiday is stupid .. The country is amazing, where there is something to see and it seems that every trip is always something new somewhere.
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