Underground galleries of Cryptoportica

Dark. Scary. But interesting :)
Rating 8110

26 may 2015Travel time: 22 july 2013
On Place de la Republique, in the City Hall (to the left of the main entrance) there is an unusual tourist site - Cryptoportiques. The entrance ticket costs 3.50 euros.

Cryptoportics are underground arched galleries: three double tunnels. The northern and southern cryptoporticos are 90 meters long, the transverse western gallery connecting them is 60 m. Under the surface of the city they are lowered to a depth of 6 m.

The original functions of cryptoporticos are still not entirely clear; at one time they were considered Christian catacombs. But during the construction of the Town Hall, the ancient Roman origin of the structures was revealed. Perhaps these premises served as barracks for slaves. Perhaps they were used for warehouses or storage. Or perhaps part of the cryptoporticos could be an ancient version of the prison. Centuries passed, wars raged - from the medieval to the last world, and the Roman underground buildings remained almost untouchable.

Went down. Silence. Darkness.
And no oneoooooo…. . A stingy light snatches fragments of masonry out of the darkness. Somewhere in the corners, a faint rustling is heard. Water oozes down the walls with a deafening sound and falls down. Cap! Cap! Cap! The place isn't just creepy. It's downright creepy!

Trying to talk as loudly as possible, we confidently move on shaky legs deep into the underground city. Goosebumps run across the skin. Scaryoooooo...The voice, bouncing off the walls, echoes back to you. Cap! Cap! Cap! I still don’t understand why we didn’t immediately rush to the exit with screams and a race : )

They walked around all the underground arched galleries. We examined stone arches and fragments of columns. I don’t know what actually happened here in antiquity, but judging by the heaviest energy, I believe more in the version with barracks or prisons.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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