Monastery and Church of San Marco

One of the many museums in Florence
Rating 8110

11 april 2019Travel time: 24 february 2019
San Marco is a museum of Florence, which today is housed in an ancient Dominican monastery, founded in the XII century. In the XV century the monastery was rebuilt by order of Pope Eugene IV and with the funding of Cosimo Medici the Elder. Michelozzo worked on the project, and after the reconstruction, Cosimo donated to the monastery also part of the collection of books by Niccolo Niccoli, which eventually contributed to the Laurentian Library.
The monastery of San Marco is also known for the fact that in the XV century lived here the infamous arbitrary monk Savonarola. On the second floor of the building there is a cell with a portrait of Fra Bartolomeo. Even in San Marco at one time lived and worked unsurpassed Beato Angelico (Fra Giovanni of Fiesole), so it is not surprising that all the rooms of the monastery are decorated with his frescoes. The most famous of them are the Annunciation and the Last Judgment.
The cells on the second floor are also painted by Fra Angelico and his students, and in the dining room you can see the beautiful "Last Supper" Garlandaio.
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