Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Spiritual center of Portugal
Rating 7110

14 february 2017Travel time: 18 october 2016
The city of Fatima is considered a major religious and pilgrimage center in Portugal and Europe. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come here every year to worship the Most Holy Theotokos. The entire complex of the Sanctuary of Fatima was built in the middle of the twentieth century. and is dedicated to the appearance of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children on May 13.1917.

The first thing that catches the eye of a pilgrim or tourist is a colossal square where believers gather during grandiose religious festivities (Candlelight Procession and Farewell Procession). This square is surrounded on one side by the Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary, and on the other by the modern Church of the Holy Trinity. In the center of the square is the Monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and on its edge is the Chapel of the Apparitions of the Most Holy Theotokos, built in the place indicated, as they say, by the Virgin Mary herself.
There is also a long marble path on the square, laid out in the footsteps of the shepherds who were walking to meet the Virgin Mary - along it you can often see believers crawling on their knees, praying for healing or forgiveness of sins. It is believed that the harder this path is given to them, the more surely their prayer will reach the Mother of God.

The main temple of the Fatima Sanctuary is the snow-white Basilica of the Holy Virgin Mary of the Rosary. Its magnificent ensemble consists of a church, a 65-meter bell tower and an extensive colonnade. In terms of its architecture and decor, the Basilica is a very modest architectural structure - here you will not see an abundance of gilding and rich decoration. Arched colonnades with statues of saints adjoin the Basilica on both sides; they seem to “hug” a huge area, almost twice as large as the area in front of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. Inside the temple impresses with its spiritual atmosphere.
Particular attention is drawn to the main altar of the temple, beautiful stained-glass windows and paintings on the theme of the Apparition of the Virgin.

Want to see with your own eyes - tours to Portugal, Travel Agency "Hot Line", www. hot. com. ua, +38(044)592-24-26, +38(050)418-7505, +38(067)440-3682
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