Infanta Henrique Square

Square named after Henry the Navigator
Rating 6110

21 february 2017Travel time: 16 october 2016
Going down to the Ribeira area, you will certainly find yourself in the small Piazza Infanta Enrique. All tourist routes of Porto pass through it. The square is surrounded by the facades of beautiful buildings, and in its center is a monument to Prince Don Enrique, known as Henry the Navigator. The statue of the prince was erected in 1900 and represents the Infanta surrounded by figures symbolizing the triumph of Portuguese navigation and faith in discovery. There is a small cozy park near the monument. This square is also home to the Palace of the Exchange, the red building of the former Ferreira Borges market, the Institute of Douro and Porto Wines (aka the Institute of Port Wine) and two churches - St. Nicholas and St. Francis.

Want to see with your own eyes - tours to Portugal, Travel Agency "Hot Line", www. hot. com. ua, +38(044)592-24-26, +38(050)418-7505, +38(067)440-3682
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