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where can i buy cheap real perfume?
11 years ago  •  25 subscribers 18 answers
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I go to Paris for work, every time I have to fulfill the orders of friends for purchases. I always buy in the Duty Free perfume shop at 4 boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris. It's near the metro Bir Hakeim (line 6) across the street from the Seine, 5 minutes walk from the Eiffel Tower. I compared prices, here they are lower than in other stores (Sephora, Marionnaud ...). They make a 10% discount and a 13% tax refund. The main argument is that the sellers speak Russian, it is easier to choose, esp ... Farther...
the tourist wants to take a few bottles of local wine with him
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 9 answers
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sigur62 - it depends on where to fly from. passengers of charter flights are really practically not examined (sometimes foreigners) but when I flew from China, everyone was forced to put things on the scanner. the same thing happened before the new year from the OAU and in May from Georgia. the logic of customs officers is clear - they know what and in what quantities and from which countries people import Farther...
I choose a ticket between AirBaltic and Austrian Airlines. Can someone tell me, had experience, ... is it worth giving preference to AirBaltic? Do they have delays or any negative reputation. Or is it worth taking a ticket for Austrian Airlines.??? And second: I never flew with a transfer, but here it will be, the periods are indicated from 30 minutes. until 6 o'clock. What transfer period should be taken so as not to be late for the next flight. I know that in some companies, for example Wizzai, a woman was not allowed to board 50 minutes before the plane departure ... they said that the boarding was over. Maybe it's a limitation, only in this company...? Thanks to everyone who comments.
11 years ago  •  7 subscribers 20 answers
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Why comment, any search engine will give you the cost of flights by these companies, see how these companies fly, where the transfers are. I always look for transfers to be at least 3 hours, but it also depends on the airport. See also the total cost of the flight to Cologne , then to Paris by train. In my opinion, it should be convenient. Farther...
Who was in Paris - tell me, pliz, what is the average cost of lunch and dinner in the city ?? How much money to take for 8 days? Thank you very much for your answer!
15 years ago  •  8 subscribers 17 answers
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Behind the Comédie Francaise there are restaurants of regional cuisine, you need to go along one of the streets ... Rustic surroundings and good cuisine. Lunch within 12-17 euros. After the Louvre, you can look on Rivoli Street at a restaurant that caters to tourists. Entrance from the side of the covered gallery, opposite the Tuileries Garden - there is self-service or a menu for groups, but individual tourists are also fed ... Spacious and you can choose something. Satisfying, but no frills. ... Farther...
9 years ago  •  17 subscribers 31 answer
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You better write what specifically you are interested in. What do you want to get from your vacation, what are your requirements for a hotel, food, beach and what kind of vacationers, what time do you plan a trip, well, the budget matters. Then it will be easier for you to advise a place to stay. And to describe every city, every beach is a whole book, and if you add different views of people on the same thing to it ... .. Well, or in the end, read the usual guidebooks about Turkey and, having ... Farther...
Haven't been anywhere before, income is not big
15 years ago  •  9 subscribers 12 answers
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Definitely Skadovsk, my summer will be 5 and in the summer the third time goes there with my grandmother. The sea is always warm, there is a bay and shallow - something that children need. last year we tried in a sanatorium - they spat and fled from there to the private sector. And it’s easy to find housing there and the prices are not the same as in the Crimea. One and a half times cheaper Farther...