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5 years ago  •  4 subscribers 4 answers
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Big good dutik. In terms of perfumery, the assortment is perhaps the largest in Europe. Farther...
Advise I want to buy perfume, where is it better to buy in duty free in Italy or in a simple store in Italy?
11 years ago  •  6 subscribers 5 answers
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If you buy perfume in a store, you can arrange tax-free. Farther...
where can i buy cheap real perfume?
11 years ago  •  25 subscribers 18 answers
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I go to Paris for work, every time I have to fulfill the orders of friends for purchases. I always buy in the Duty Free perfume shop at 4 boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris. It's near the metro Bir Hakeim (line 6) across the street from the Seine, 5 minutes walk from the Eiffel Tower. I compared prices, here they are lower than in other stores (Sephora, Marionnaud ...). They make a 10% discount and a 13% tax refund. The main argument is that the sellers speak Russian, it is easier to choose, esp ... Farther...
What is the best way to pay in our Duty Free in EUR or in rubles?
12 years ago  •  6 subscribers 13 answers
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I go to dutik at least twice a month, so I tried it, I didn’t find anything surprising. When you buy a product with a price of 10 euros for a euro, you will pay exactly 10 euros, and not a cent more. If the same product is bought for rubles, its price in rubles will be determined not by multiplying these 10 euros by the exchange rate of the Central Bank, and not even by the euro selling rate by commercial banks, but always a little more, by 5 percent. Now about cards. Cash euros or bank cards ... Farther...