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I read in the reviews that there are several beaches on Colana, can you tell me what they are, and how best to get to them
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 7 answers
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There are several beaches there, the best is Tawaien, there is a pier, you can get to the rest of the beaches with a transfer to a small boat. I was on three beaches including Tawaien, in principle they are the same and there is nothing special there, except that the sand is not much whiter and finer, the water is a little cleaner than in Pattaya and cooler, which is refreshing :)) the last time I took a motorbike there, and traveled almost the entire island, it's cool :), but more expensive tha ... Farther...
8 years ago  •  12 subscribers 48 answers
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break the bio-chain, if you want to feed the fish - tear off the algae from the buoy - this is the maximum Farther...
5 years ago  •  13 subscribers 27 answers
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And really don’t take Nabq. Firstly, strong winds walk there in the summer - there is a risk of getting burned imperceptibly, and secondly, the constantly blowing wind is annoying - hair on end, light things scatter, you need to constantly catch up with something or press down with pebbles. And most importantly there the escaping sea - the ebbs and flows are very noticeable - first the sea runs away leaving a swampy puddle, then it comes running - bringing all the garbage. In general, swimming i ... Farther...
how is it there?? it seems to me that there will be “not very good”, since there are only negative reviews ... the most interesting question is safety! How is law and order there? what is the attitude towards the Russians? after all, there are only Arabs .. and in general, good people who rested there, name at least a couple of pluses of a holiday in Tunisia (if there are any at all). thank you in advance)
11 years ago  •  31 subscriber 64 answers
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I was in Port El Kantaoui in July. I went to Tunisia in order to learn a new country. Everything was even possible to say within comfort. The sea is clean, the sand is of a pleasant structure. I don’t go to the same place twice. So, if you are not capricious, go and don’t think about sad things !!!!!! Farther...