Related questions: Weather in Lisbon in December

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I want to go on vacation during the specified period.
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber 3 answers
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This is the temperature in winter, and in October and November it can be higher. Farther...
We have already been to Egypt - I don’t really want to, the exotic is excluded, since my daughter is in an interesting position and I’m afraid of various malaria there, etc.
6 years ago  •  7 subscribers 12 answers
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Interesting and comfortable in an interesting position is Europe. And so it is possible in the Dominican Republic Farther...
What is the weather like in mid-December, what clothes to take and what weather to tune in. thanks
12 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
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I was last year in early December, flew home on the 9th. The weather is good, out of 10 days it was 8 clear, two days it rained a little. On sunny days around 25, clothes - jeans and T-shirts, when the sun was hiding, they put on a jacket. Bathed. The sea is no more than 20 degrees, and restless. Where the coast is rocky, it is scary because of the waves. If you go to the levadas or to the peaks, you need to take windproof and waterproof clothes - it is colder in the mountains and it rains more ... Farther...
4 years ago  •  53 subscribers 2608 answers
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Gentlemen, dear participants of the turpravda!!’ I congratulate everyone on the RETRACTING YEAR 2020!!! I wish you all health, happiness and prosperity in the new year. All new experiences and interesting tourist routes. Happy new year friends!!!! Farther...