Styria & Strossmayer 4*– Reviews

Rating 6.010
based on
2 reviews
The hotels were reconstructed in 2003. They stand along the main alley, connected by a closed passage with each other, the hotel "Grand Hotel Rogaška", the new Vis Vita Wellness Center and the Medical Center.More →
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 5.0
Attention children groups in the hotel! periodically populate children's groups that interfere with a relaxing holiday in the hotel. check before booking!! ! … More ▾ Attention children groups in the hotel! periodically populate children's groups that interfere with a relaxing holiday in the hotel. check before booking!! !
Review from —
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 7.0
If you are going here, do not forget that you are going to be treated, for which there are ALL conditions! Entertainment is not and there is no need for them. I recommend to communicate with guides RENETOURS-great guys and excursions are interesting! DONAT water is simply magical and helps a lot! The cuisine in the restaurant is good, varied and tasty. … More ▾ If you are going here, do not forget that you are going to be treated, for which there are ALL conditions! Entertainment is not and there is no need for them. I recommend to communicate with guides RENETOURS-great guys and excursions are interesting! DONAT water is simply magical and helps a lot! The cuisine in the restaurant is good, varied and tasty. The waiters are friendly and accommodating. Some compatriots behave simply ugly, carrying mobile phones with them everywhere, talking loudly... You can do any tests, get a doctor's advice. I will come here again. For health. After the massage, I recommend fresh juice in the bar, freshly squeezed, delicious. Drink DONAT and be healthy!! !
Review from —

avatar tana79
What excursions and which countries can you go on without being too tiring from Rogaška, and what procedures are required to buy, except for the drinking course? I ask for advice.
12 years ago  •  4 subscribers 4 answers

Отели реконструированы в 2003 году. Стоят вдоль главной аллеи, связаны закрытым переходом друг с другом, отелем "Гранд Отель Рогашка", новым Wellness центром Vis Vita и Медицинским центром.

Location в центре курорта в парке и составляют единый комплекс с отелем Grand Rogashka.
In a hotel

ресторан, бар, казино, сейфы, бассейны Термальной Ривьеры, бассейн Веллнесса "Вис Вита", сауны Веллнесса "Вис Вита", тренажерный зал, водная аэробика, утренняя гимнастика, развлекательная программа, каждую пятницу и субботу - ночное купание в бассейне Веллнесса "Вис Вита" и бассейнах Термальной Ривьеры (20:00-23:00).

Description of rooms

отель "Стирия" - 47 двухместных номеров, отель "Штроссмаер" - 3 апартамента, 55 двухместных номеров, 17 одноместных номеров.

In the rooms

мини-бар, кабельное телевидение, телефон, халат, фен, ванная, душ, балкон.