Good hotel and staff, would like more variety for breakfast

Written: 24 february 2020
Travel time: 9 — 16 february 2020
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Jumbo! Good day to all!
We were in room 201 with a sea view. Package tour from Biblio Globus. We arrived (there were 13 of us) closer to dinner and the rooms were ready. In addition to the Russians, at that time the French, Italians lived, and then the British stopped by. The hotel is compact, green, the area is fenced, security at the entrance, video surveillance is in place, at night the doors to the beach are closed and the Maasai is on duty.
I will try to write something about the hotel that was not indicated earlier. The hotel is still new (opened in September 2018).
So, in order:

1) Nutrition. The tour included breakfast. It was an omelet, fried vegetables with sausages, more beans (or something similar), pancakes. On the last day there were fried cashews, unusual and tasty. There were sliced ​ ​ fruits (2 types), cake, white bread (you could make a toast), fresh juice served by the waiter, jams of 2 types, honey, tomato sauce, tea, coffee, sugar, hot milk. Lunch and dinner are right there on the menu, the approximate waiting time is 30-40 minutes.
, we did it in advance, by a certain hour. The average check is $9-12, for guests a 20% discount, you could pay in cash or by card at the reception (+4%). From alcohol they offer beer (Safari) from $3. You can bring your own drinks. Below the hotel, on the coast, there was a cafe where you can also have a bite to eat.
2) Beach. Nearby, you had to go down the stairs, walk a little through the local village, watching their life and here is the ocean for you !! ! The low tide is about km +/-. Someone reached the ebb tide and watched starfish there. Or just wander along the ocean floor or lie down on a white spit on a shallow. The time of low/high tide shifts daily. You can swim in the morning and evening. The water returned in layers, almost hot and cool at the same time ...There were no hedgehogs, no jellyfish, there were algae. On the beach there are 3 mushrooms with a palm roof and 9 wooden (not rising) sun loungers with mattresses, the beach is swept in the morning. The sand is white, dense, shelly, crabs run.
The towels are large and can be changed every day for free. There are hut tents along the beach, where you can, if you wish, buy a souvenir, beautiful shells (or collect small ones along the shore, carried it in your luggage without any problems), paintings by local artists.
3) The territory of the hotel. A small swimming pool where you can take a dip (it is cleaned every day), several sun loungers, umbrellas, a toilet, a shower. There are also 4 tables under mushrooms, it is very comfortable to sit there with a glass of beer.
4) Entertainment. They are absent in the hotel, however, they include music.

5) Room - everything has already been described earlier in other reviews, I’ll just add the presence of air conditioning, nightly mosquito treatment, there is a safe, I didn’t find Russian channels on TV, cleaning every day, they change linen, the bed is large comfortable, they asked for extra. sheets, because it’s hot to sleep under the covers, a small kettle, tea, coffee, sugar, you can take it for breakfast, put 2 pcs of water. 0.33 l.
6) Outside the hotel - a local village, goats, chickens and other animals are present. At the entrance to the hotel there was a small shock: turning off the main road, seeing its almost absence and local housing. Taxi costs about $7-8 round trip. We left 1 time, bought fruits (mango, papaya, pineapple), water and strong drinks. Local gin KONYAGI 35 degrees, good with lime, a bottle of 0.5 liters is about 10.000 shillings ($ 5), there are volumes of 0.2 liters and 0.75 liters. There is also a K VANT gin 0.25 l - $ 2. Wine, seen Tanzania - dodoma (dry white) and South Africa, approx. price 10$. The money was not changed to the local currency, it was calculated by $ or by card. There is an exchange at the hotel 1 $ - 2000 shillings, or in the a / tu course - 2300 shs.
7) Excursions - bought from BG, costs $ 45 / person. A group of 16 people gathered. We visited Stone Town (with a local guide who did not speak Russian well). There is almost no information, only signs - this is a private school, this is the house of Freddie Mercury (the entrance to the museum costs $ 10, did not visit), this is the house of miracles, etc.
, then the port, where they were rewritten at the security point by the number of people, gender and country, from where they set off on a wooden boat with an awning, to Prison Island (prison island), where they observed the life of the Seychelles turtles, from it to the disappearing island of Nakupenda, where there are few swam and a seafood lunch was organized. Then they returned to Stone Town, they promised shopping for 2 hours, in fact they brought a store for tourists, where everything is properly arranged and prices too (you can pay with a card). Nearby there is a liquor store. Several people with an escort (not with a guide) went to the local market, where the local flavor was more than enough. I noticed video cameras on the narrow streets of the Stone Town.

We also bought from the guide (6 people from the hotel for $ 15 / person) a visit to the northern part of the island, went to Kendwa, we were given sun loungers with umbrellas (without mattresses, but we didn’t lie there, so it’s not critical) bought up, took pictures, tanned.
Enjoyed swimming in front of the Zuri Zanzibar hotel. We had lunch at the Sunseabar Beach Kendwa hotel on the 4th floor, there is a restaurant with an ocean view and a Russian menu (our sun loungers were near it). Having bought fruit, we returned to the hotel at about 18:00.
Someone rented a scooter and traveled around the island on their own, someone went on other excursions, including a safari.
8) The staff is responsive, adequate, responsive to requests (communicated through an interpreter, the benefit of Wi-Fi throughout the territory), ready to help, organized my doctor, congratulating me with songs and a cake. Very cute. A special shout out to the manager Gabriel and the front desk lady Monamisi. When leaving the hotel, everyone was given hot food in foil, as there was fruit drink on the plane.
9) And now about something that has nothing to do with the hotel. Upon arrival, we were met at the airport and checked our body temperature (this was not the case in our Vnukovo). The airport itself is small, it is not designed to receive so many tourists at the same time, nothing is really organized, you first need to pay $ 50 / person.
a visa (you can cash, you can use a card, but these are different windows), just a few windows and a crowd of people, just a crowd, a little like a queue! After paying to other windows where the border guards are sitting, they scan the passport, take a photo of the face, then 1 more check at the exit to the baggage belt. Some bags were already off the tape, but it's all so slow. There are only 2 tapes and the Italians flew in with us at the same time, so all the luggage was on one tape. At the exit, there is still a luggage check and you go to the exit, where representatives of the BG stood and called the car number using vouchers. After them you can smoke. At the exit to the square, another representative shows where your bus is. Bags are loaded on the last seat. They dispensed water on the bus.

Our flight back was delayed for 18 hours (this is only the official version), in fact we took off at 4-30 in the morning on February 17th. Considering that we were picked up from the hotel at 5 am on 16.02.
When they realized that we couldn’t fly home, a representative of the Rossiya airline came out and announced that we had to return to the arrivals area (where the exit stamps were cancelled), get our luggage, then we would be placed in hotels. A / P is small, there are almost no places to wait, air conditioners and other benefits, not counting free toilets, a duty free shop (where there was an air conditioner). Of course, to accommodate 500 people at once is unrealistic, especially for the locals, it was also force majeure. There was probably 1 representative of BG, who organized tourists by bus. Buses are small, take no more than 16-18 people. Luggage was loaded into a separate car. Someone was placed in the city, someone was taken to hotels on the coast, we got to MANDHARI VILLA at about 4 pm We were placed in rooms, fed. And at 21-30 they took me back to the airport. And again the song in a circle, entering the airport (this is a separate issue), checking and checking in luggage, checking in for the flight, the seats remained the same as in the morning check-in.
Then someone passed customs officers and waited in the departure area, someone waited until this zone, at least there were fans and windows were open. When a new board arrived (this is already 17.02), the Russian Hurray was heard!

This is how our visit to this beautiful African island ended!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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  • Good hotel and staff, would like more variety for breakfast