Average hotel

Written: 20 july 2020
Travel time: 8 — 18 july 2020
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 2.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 2.0
Food: 3.0
Amenities: 3.0
Rest in Rodem. Suite. When I entered the room, the first association was that it was a common dark hall, and then, finally, there would be a suite. When I realized that this was the number, I wanted to leave, fortunately, there were other options. But my companions decided to stay because of the children's pool. The cost of the room is 2100 UAH.
What is in the room: there is a nightstand to the right of the front door. Immediately behind it is a double bed, half a meter later a bathroom. To the left of the door is a long kitchen table of 3 meters with a built-in refrigerator, where ONLY (! ) Three bottles of 2 liters each and with a small freezer are placed. There is a miniature microwave on the table. And a small electric kettle for 0.5 liters. The table is excellent, real wood, as are the 6 chairs adjacent to it. This is a living room, and at the same time an entrance hall with a bathroom: ((. On the left is an exit to a loggia curtained with dark curtains. The bathroom is standard. Equipped with a shower curtain, a miniature toilet brush with a bendable and uncomfortable handle and a simple watering can. The water pressure is excellent. Water There is hot water. All the tap water is salty. On the floor in the shower room instead of a rug. . . a floor cloth.
In the second prismatic room there are two double sofas. At the exit is a wardrobe. And that's it. Left is a window. To the right, under the ceiling, is a basement window. There is no air conditioner. All walls are white with voluminous lines - spraying. But the ceilings. . . it's something! Plates smeared and stained with mortar. With a small light bulb under a matte hood, which is more suitable for the toilet. As the administration said - modern style : )))). But it should be seen. Cleaning for 10 days was not carried out even once. TV in the living room with adjoining toilet is small, 23 inches. Programs looked clear.

There is a restaurant and two bars on site. Prices here are slightly higher than in Kirillovka. Drinking water 2 UAH. The rest of the products are heavily discounted. Milk 35 UAH In ATB 27. Baton 20 UAH against 6 UAH. The dollar exchange rate is 27 UAH.
The sea this year is terrible: a lot of jellyfish and a lot of sea fleas. Swimming in the sea is almost impossible. Many, like me, were burned and some, including myself, felt a strong burning sensation between their legs. I had to go to the room and wash the skin with soap, then lubricate with levomekol. Then only the burning sensation passed. Mostly swam in the pool. This is the only plus of the recreation center. Liked the pool. Clean, well maintained.
And what I noticed: for eight years, the infrastructure of the base has not changed. All on the same level. And this is very bad. And before the base was considered elite. Now - the middle peasant with a stretch.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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