The magnificence of the Arbuzinsky and Aktovsky canyons

11 October 2020 Travel time: with 18 September 2020 on 19 September 2020
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The idea to visit the Aktovsky canyon came to us 2 years ago. We were looking for fellow travelers to go there by car, but our dreams at that time were not destined to come true. This year, my friend quickly organized a trip after the end of our tourist season, she booked a tour from Kherson, booked accommodation and purchased bus tickets. In Kherson, we managed to ride a boat along the Dnieper floodplains, visit the Jurassic Park, opened last summer on the territory of the Fregat hotel complex, and watch a performance at the Kherson Regional Theater.

Jurassic Park in Kherson

In the Jurassic Park in Kherson

After such a rich program, the next morning we went on an excursion. The tour started at 7 am from the bus station. Until that day we had hot weather, and this morning it got colder, the temperature dropped to 9 degrees, but we were warned not to dress too warmly, we had to walk several kilometers. Our group consisted of 8 people, we also had a guide. We went on many excursions of our travel agency, we must pay tribute to our guides, who during the trip told about the sights we passed, and also we received information about the place where we were going. Thus, travel time passed quickly. Here we only heard that the stop is expected in 1.5 hours. The road from Kherson to Voznesensk and Trikrat was good, especially compared to the roads in our Kherson region. After a three-hour drive, we arrived at our destination.

The estate of V. P. Skarzhinsky in the village of Trikraty

The tour started in the village of Trikraty. There are 3 legends about the origin of its name, and all 3 of them are associated with the expulsion of people. According to the first, the Mongol-Tatars were expelled from here three times, according to the second, the Cossacks expelled the landlords who wanted to appropriate their lands three times, according to the third, the industrious population expelled lazy people three times. Until 1800 the village was called Skarzhinka. This is the birthplace of a remarkable person, the leader of the Kherson nobility Viktor Petrovich Skarzhinsky. He owns the idea of ​ ​ planting forest belts in the arid steppe zone, under his leadership in a place where there is a small amount of precipitation and the stones of the canyons heat up and breathe heat in summer, a forest was planted and a nursery was created, he developed agrotechnics for growing planting material in the steppe conditions, a system for accumulating natural rainfall for irrigation. He also created an irrigation system for his estate. Water was collected at the highest point and by gravity, without the use of pumps, was supplied for irrigation. There used to be a huge rose garden here and a fountain up to 10 meters high. It is hard to believe that once around the estate roses were fragrant, now only weeds grow here. A commemorative plaque hangs on the building and the family coat of arms of the Skarzhinsky family is depicted at the top. The building now houses a music school, it itself is well preserved, but still requires restoration, two rooms have been given in it to create a museum.

The Falzfein Estate in Askania Nova

I want to compare this estate with the Falzfein house in Askania Nova, I went on an excursion there 2 days ago. The house and reserve there has the same well-groomed appearance as in the days of the Falzfeins.

I really wish there were enthusiasts here who would plant flowers and restore the building in memory of this outstanding person.

After the story about the Skarzhinsky family, we were joined by a large group of railroad workers from Kherson, and we set off to explore the canyons. First, we drove up to the Arbuzinsky Canyon (it is also called the Small Aktovsky Canyon), at the bottom it is cut by the Arbuzinka River.

Arbuzinsky Canyon

Arbuzinsky Canyon

There are many versions of why the river got its name. Our guide said that its bend resembles some ancient weapon or tool with the same root in the name. I tried to listen to the guide, look down and around and take pictures at the same time so that there were fewer people in the photo, so I didn’t hear everything well. I read on the Internet that the name comes from the two words “burnt elder”, that earlier a lot of elder grew along its banks, by autumn it burned out from the intense heat and acquired a brownish tint. I didn't see an elderberry here. But hawthorn grows in abundance here, and its bright red fruits, along with burnt grass and colorful foliage, create delightful autumn landscapes.

In Arbuzinsky Canyon

The canyons were formed more than 4 billion years ago as a result of volcanic activity, over time, huge boulders were overgrown with moss, creating unique fabulous outlines. The Arbuzinsky canyon made a greater impression on me, although it is much smaller than the Bolshoi Aktovsky, its depth is about 30 m, we walked down the gorge and took pictures near many boulders.

In Arbuzinsky Canyon

The incredible energy of this place made it possible to jump from stone to stone without feeling tired. I took photos on the so-called female stone, at the stone of desire. I did not have time to make a wish, there was only one great desire - to look at this beauty and absorb the powerful energy of stones.

On the female stone

At the Wishing Stone

The splendor of the autumn landscape

At this time of the year, only one name remained from the Arbuzinka River, there was very little water, in one place I photographed a small spring.

We walked through a small labyrinth of huge boulders, here not everyone can squeeze between the stones, some did not dare to go through it, being afraid to get stuck between the stones.

At the end of the tour of the Arbuzinsky Canyon, we came to a place called the Navel of the Earth, this is the highest point from where a magnificent panorama of the Aktovsky Canyon and the Trikratsky Forest opens.

We looked at the Aktovsky canyon from above. It is said to resemble the Grand Canyon in America. Fanciful silhouettes of rocks and multicolored colors of autumn created magnificent landscapes.

View of the Aktovsky Canyon

Aktovsky canyon

Aktovsky Canyon

Aktovsky Canyon is also called the Lesser Crimea or the Devil's Valley, and the river flowing below bears the terrifying name Mertvovod. We heard from our guide a legend about the devil, who lived here in ancient times, prevented people from living and sank their ships. Then the people turned to God, and he drowned the devil in a swamp and covered this place with stones. There is a place here called the Devil's Fingers, in the photo in the distance you can see four stones together, shaped like fingers. There are many legends about places like this canyon, some boulders also have their own names, and what we see in the stones depends on our imagination.

There are also many legends about the name of the Mertvod River. It is said that the Scythians along its course sent their leaders on their last journey. However, our guide said that the Scythians buried their kings in mounds, believing that there is life after death, and they dumped the bodies of their enemies into the river so that they would not acquire a second life, which made the water undrinkable. We still went down to the water. Gazebos with tables and benches are equipped here, groups of tourists sat here and grilled barbecue. We took pictures of the local beauties, and made a halt at the top.

At the end of the tour, we arrived at another interesting place. It is also called Ukrainian Normandy, these are white chalk cliffs - a fabulously beautiful place. This is a former quarry where chalk was previously mined. Its area is small, but the beauty is incredible.

On the way to the chalk cliffs, we discovered a lake surrounded by rocks on all sides.

Unfortunately, we did not visit the Trikrat forest, although it was on the tour program. Still, we got a lot of positive emotions and impressions from the trip.

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В Арбузинском каньоне,Николаевская область, Вознесенский район
Днепровские плавни в Херсоне
Парк Юрского периода в Херсоне
В парке Юрского периода в Херсоне
Усадьба В. П. Скаржинского в селе Трикраты
Усадьба Фальцфейнов в Аскании Нова
Арбузинский каньон
Арбузинский каньон
В Арбузинском каньоне
В Арбузинском каньоне
На женском камне
У камня желаний
Великолепие осеннего пейзажа
Вид на Актовский каньон
Актовский каньон
Актовский каньон
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