Usadba ParKKur 1*– Reviews

Rating 8.510
based on
2 reviews
8.5 Rooms
9.5 Service
8.5 Cleanliness
9.5 Food
7.0 Amenities
Manor ParkKur - a three-story private house in Krasny Liman, next to the forest. The main tourist areas of work are green tourism and agritourism.More →
аватар sakhnotanya
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 8.0
A very good, positive holiday for those who like to walk in the forest, breathe in the air, in general, take a break from the noise of big cities. The hosts are wonderful, interesting, sympathetic and very sociable people. Pets are a separate highlight of the hotel. Thanks to Sergey for a tour of the minipark and stories about life and poultry breeding, it's nice and interesting to listen to a person who lives by what he does. … More ▾ A very good, positive holiday for those who like to walk in the forest, breathe in the air, in general, take a break from the noise of big cities.
The hosts are wonderful, interesting, sympathetic and very sociable people.
Pets are a separate highlight of the hotel. Thanks to Sergey for a tour of the minipark and stories about life and poultry breeding, it's nice and interesting to listen to a person who lives by what he does.
Thank you for a positive start to the year!! . : )))
аватар Evangel
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 9.0
We love silence, cleanliness and comfort, so choosing a place to stay always takes a lot of time - I want to share my impressions, maybe my review will help determine who has the same preferences. This year we had a family vacation in a pine forest, on blue lakes near Krasny Liman, Donetsk region. We stayed at the estate for 12 months, all the amenities, home cooking (vegetables and fruits from our own garden), a closed area (which is very important for families with children) and a chicken zoo. … More ▾ We love silence, cleanliness and comfort, so choosing a place to stay always takes a lot of time - I want to share my impressions, maybe my review will help determine who has the same preferences. This year we had a family vacation in a pine forest, on blue lakes near Krasny Liman, Donetsk region. We stayed at the estate for 12 months, all the amenities, home cooking (vegetables and fruits from our own garden), a closed area (which is very important for families with children) and a chicken zoo. Very cozy atmosphere, as if visiting relatives in the village, only in comfortable conditions! Delivery to the blue lakes is free (4-5 km), it is clean (! ) and not crowded - you can even get lost on the beach. From excursions - we were on an ostrich farm, walked along hiking trails through the forest, swam in a salt lake, descended into a salt mine and visited the Svyatogorsk Lavra. A lot of impressions and photos! We got everything we wanted, it's a pity the vacation is only a week...

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‹ Hotel Usadba ParKKur 1*
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Усадьба ПарККур - трехэтажный частный дом в Красном Лимане, рядом с лесом. Основные туристические направления работы – это зеленый туризм и агротуризм.

In a hotel
  • cafe/bar
  • parking
Entertainment and sports Баня, организация рыбалки, охоты, прогулки по лесу.
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • fishing
Description of rooms

Двухместные номера "комфорт" и "эконом".

In the rooms

В номере "комфорт" санузел находится в номере, номер "эконом" - санузел рядом с номером.

The address Донецкая обл., Красный Лиман
Phones: +380 (66) 423-98-50
+380 (98) 215-38-68
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Море и волны заиграют новыми красками если воспользоваться услугами рыбной ловли.