Stozhary 2*– Reviews

Rating 8.510
based on
2 reviews
8.0 Rooms
7.0 Service
7.5 Cleanliness
8.0 Food
6.0 Amenities
Year of construction - 1975 Capital repairs - 2003 Number of rooms - 46. Number of places - 100. Number of buildings - 2/4 floor. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver. The resort is located on the southeastern slopes of the Carpathian Mountains at an altitude of 600-900 m above sea level in the village. Skhodnitsa, where there is a powerful deposit of low-mineralized waters of the "Naftusya" type.More →
аватар sanyuk
For the first time we came to the Carpathians, The land is amazing, beautiful and rich. Here the forest stands like a green wall: Under twenty meters they ate mixed with pine. And the blue mountains melt in the haze, We have not seen such beauty at home. And the air! Clean, mountainous, like a stream, Enthusiastic eyes cannot be taken away from the river Stry. … More ▾ For the first time we came to the Carpathians,
The land is amazing, beautiful and rich.
Here the forest stands like a green wall:
Under twenty meters they ate mixed with pine.
And the blue mountains melt in the haze,
We have not seen such beauty at home.
And the air! Clean, mountainous, like a stream,
Enthusiastic eyes cannot be taken away from the river Stry.
When the snow went fluffy, white,
And swept up to all ends, to all limits,
Then we swam under a snowy waterfall,
They wallowed in the snow, rode on sleds.
And they fed the gray Carpathian squirrels,
They did not forget to take walnuts for them.
When, having worked up, we came to dinner,
We forgot about etiquette and small talk.
Like a hungry wolf troschit game and gnaws the bone again,
So we consumed diet number 5.
Fresh dishes here are fresh, with a very subtle taste,
We will come home with slender birches, like girls.
Souffle meat - above all praise,
And the soup with meatballs killed everyone on the spot.
And the cake, the one that was served at Epiphany,
Caused delight, extravaganza and admiration.
Chef from us all a huge bow,
He deserves recognition and gratitude.
Nice waitress Lubasha
Always with a sweet smile, he gives us porridge.
And in our room it is always cozy, clean and beautiful,
After all, the maid Olya makes efforts to do so.
And if someone hurts,
Then he goes to Mariyka for ozocerite.
Always friendly, smiling Maria
She restores health to people and bestows strength.
At the water procedures, the darling Mary Ivanna is in charge,
We take baths with Poltava bischofite.
Chronic rhinitis was cured by the Biotron device,
Made in Switzerland with love.
And finally, our chief physician is Duda,
Yes, without Stepan Ivanovich we are neither there nor here.
All procedures are correctly written,
Source number 18 will prescribe to everyone.
Galya runs the discotheques,
Yes, she knows a lot about DJing.
In the evenings we danced well,
Yes, frankly, the stars in the sky were lit.
And three button accordions were torn to live music,
And our Svetlana was al jazzira there.
Pan Director, we say "THANK YOU"!!!
All the best to you and live happily ever after.
аватар Lena3107
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 7.0
In the middle of April 2011 we had a rest in the sanatorium "Stozhary" Skhodnitsa. The general impression of Skhidnitsa is good: amazing nature, clean mountain air. The place is not a party place, so whoever wants to relax both in body and soul is Skhidnytsia. Necessary set of clothes and shoes: a pair of tracksuits and high sneakers, you will have to walk a lot and far, not less than 10 km a day. … More ▾ In the middle of April 2011 we had a rest in the sanatorium "Stozhary" Skhodnitsa. The general impression of Skhidnitsa is good: amazing nature, clean mountain air. The place is not a party place, so whoever wants to relax both in body and soul is Skhidnytsia. Necessary set of clothes and shoes: a pair of tracksuits and high sneakers, you will have to walk a lot and far, not less than 10 km a day. Regarding the sanatorium "Stozhary" for an unpretentious public, it is quite tolerable. The kitchen does not have an individual menu, but personal deviations are taken into account, you can directly agree in the dining room. The food is dietary, I especially liked the variety of vegetarian soups. The medical staff is generally polite, although in some places you can really feel the "soviet" service: do not hope that you will be told what and when you need to praise (tests, tyupage) everything must be controlled by yourself. Free procedures correspond to the quality of their implementation.
Although all these baths, showers, magnets are complete nonsense compared to really worthwhile mineral water. It’s hard for people who are dissatisfied with the mineral water of Skhidnitsa

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Defense complex Tustan
Rating 5.5
Ukraine, Shidnitsya
Story, architecture

Год постройки - 1975 г. Капитальный ремонт - 2003 г. Количество номеров - 46. Количество мест - 100. Количество корпусов - 2/4эт. Лечение заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта, печени.

Расположен санаторий на юго-восточных склонах Карпатских гор на высоте 600-900 м над уровнем моря в пгт. Сходница, где находится мощное месторождение слабоминерализованных вод типа "Нафтуся".

Location Львов - 100 км, Борислав - 10 км, Трускавец - 20 км, Дрогобыч - 25 км. Ресторан - 700 м. Кафе - 500м. Прод.магазин - 450 м. Подъмник - 10 км. Медицинский комплекс - 50 м. Косметический кабинет - 200 м. Рынок - 500 м. Банк, банкомат - 450 м. Русская баня - 50 м. Минеральный источник - 200 м. Музей - 200 м. Центр отдыха - 50 м. Ж\д вокзал - 20 км. Автостанция - 700 м. Лес, ручей - 50 м.
In a hotel

Столовая (76 мест), кафе (26 мест), финская сауна, медицинский центр, конференц-зал, кинозал, библиотека, фвтостоянка, прачечная, косметический кабинет, настольный теннис, конференц-зал, библиотека, камера хранения, альтанка.

Description of rooms

3-4-местные блочные номера, 2-местные номера "полулюкс" и 2-комнатный 2-местный номер "люкс".

The address 82391, Львовская обл., пгт. Сходница, ул. Заречная 9а
Phones: +38 (03248) 48271
+38 (03248) 48332
+38 (03248) 48018
Website: Stozhary