Mystical Prague with Skeleton Guide

Mystical Prague with a skeleton
Czech republic, Prague
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Mystical Prague with Skeleton Guide

Mystical Prague with a skeleton
Czech republic, Prague
Mystical Prague with a skeleton guide is one of the most unusual city tours. It conveys the unforgettable mystical atmosphere of medieval Prague. Tourists are invited to feel like a Praguer who lived in that distant era, and follow in the footsteps of the legendary mystical characters. Adds color and the fact that the tour is conducted by a guide dressed as a skeleton.

All reviews (1)
Traveled 8 years ago
I want to tell everyone about one of our evenings in Prague. We were with a friend in the Czech Republic in mid-August, and of course, like everyone else, we bought a lot of excursions. One of them was called Mystical Prague and a skeleton guide, which we learned about, of course, back at home, when we reviewed the episode of the Orel and Reshka program about Prague. To be honest, we were preparing for something terrible, imagining that all this would resemble fragments from Oscar-winning horror films.
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