Attractions Tenerife

18 attractions And 18 reviews

Best места для активного отдыха Tenerife

Loro Park
Rating 9.6
Entertainment, Leisure, Nature
Teide Volcano
Rating 9.0
Leisure, Nature
dragon tree
Leisure, Nature
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Loro Park
The park is really something! The territory is not very big, but it took about 5 hours to go around it completely and get to every mini-show. In the end, the head and legs were just buzzing. But it was...
 •  5 years ago
Siam Park
We went to the park for the sake of the child, we got so carried away ourselves that we want more. Large-scale attractions, excellent organization of pastime. Recomend for everybody. There are queues...
 •  6 years ago
Teide Volcano
I came there twice on the first day, there was a wind during the day and the lift was closed when I was there, the second time we arrived in the morning and everything was ok. There is a very cold wind...
 •  7 years ago
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