Attractions Venice

61 sight And 49 reviews

Best рестораны и кафе Venice

Restaurant Al Gatto Nero
Rating 9.5
Restaurants, cafes
Pizzeria Pizza al Volo
Rating 9.0
Restaurants, cafes
Cafe Florian
Rating 8.0
Restaurants, cafes, Story
Cafe Pedrocchi
Rating 7.0
Restaurants, cafes
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Restaurant Al Gatto Nero
How glad I was that we went to this restaurant. I didn’t read any reviews, I just got hungry and went to a decent restaurant for lunch. The restaurant is very cozy. Pictures hang on the walls, the hall...
 •  9 years ago
Restaurant Al Gatto Nero
We came across this restaurant by accident. I didn’t read any reviews, I just got hungry and went to a decent restaurant for lunch. Imagine my surprise when I found out that this is one of the best restaurants...
 •  9 years ago
Cafe Florian
I really like to visit such "iconic" places. And I absolutely do not care how much coffee costs there! If you feel the same way, then definitely visit this cafe. Interiors, music and waiters in white jackets...
 •  9 years ago