Attractions Venice

51 sight And 49 reviews

Best рестораны и кафе Venice

Restaurant Al Gatto Nero
Rating 9.5
Restaurants, cafes
Pizzeria Pizza al Volo
Rating 9.0
Restaurants, cafes
Cafe Florian
Rating 8.0
Restaurants, cafes, Story
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Restaurant Al Gatto Nero
How glad I was that we went to this restaurant. I didn’t read any reviews, I just got hungry and went to a decent restaurant for lunch. The restaurant is very cozy. Pictures hang on the walls, the hall...
 •  9 years ago
Restaurant Al Gatto Nero
We came across this restaurant by accident. I didn’t read any reviews, I just got hungry and went to a decent restaurant for lunch. Imagine my surprise when I found out that this is one of the best restaurants...
 •  9 years ago
Cafe Florian
I really like to visit such "iconic" places. And I absolutely do not care how much coffee costs there! If you feel the same way, then definitely visit this cafe. Interiors, music and waiters in white jackets...
 •  9 years ago