Attractions Singapore

37 attractions And 23 reviews

Best улицы, площади, видовые места Singapore

singapore ferris wheel
Rating 10.0
Entertainment, Streets, squares, viewpoints
Rating 7.0
Streets, squares, viewpoints
Orchard Road
Rating 7.0
Streets, squares, viewpoints
District of India Minor
Streets, squares, viewpoints
District of India Minor
Streets, squares, viewpoints
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singapore ferris wheel
In Singapore, you definitely need to visit "on top" - on one of the panoramic observation platforms in order to contemplate all this beauty from a bird's eye view. We chose between the Marina Bay Sands...
 •  5 years ago
Orchard Road
Orchard Road. I got off at the Cityhall metro station and went towards Orchard Road, first through the old center of Singapore and so on to the metro station, Orchard Road itself. Central street with...
 •  6 years ago
Chinatown. Just took a walk, imbued with the spirit of old Singapore. I'm not an expert, but the prices here are very attractive for consumer goods. I wasn't going to buy anything, so I didn't stay...
 •  6 years ago