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We are flying at the end of November, tell me what the weather is like there in the evenings!? What clothes to take for evening walks?
7 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
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Definitely something with long sleeves, a blouse or jacket. Farther...
We are flying for the first time. Departure December 1st. Thanks !
6 years ago  •  7 subscribers 8 answers
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If you like to collect a lot of things, take everything!!! In general, in case of a cold snap or wind, one jacket is enough. I usually use the one I flew in from home. Egyptian cold is min 18 degrees))) Farther...
8 years ago  •  12 subscribers 33 answers
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sugak70 yeah, tracksuit, patent leather shoes and seeds. 6040999 in December after sunset it is cool, but not cold, somewhere around +15. Blouse, jacket will not interfere. Farther...
Fellow tourists! Who knows, tell me - is it possible to buy a women's wetsuit in the Old Market? If yes, where and how much? What is better - to carry with you (buying from yourself for 120 euros) or buy directly from Charme ??? Thank you all in advance!
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 15 answers
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We have masks/fins. We are not going to Sharm for the first time, but earlier we were not interested in a wetsuit. This time we decided to go at the end of February, and because. I have a "merzlyachka" wife, I needed this attribute of a diver. The problem is that in our city to buy a women's wetsuit is a problem. Everywhere only men for spearfishing. Buying on order is like a pig in a poke - it is not known whether the size will fit. To sew under the order - we do not have time any more. Therefo ... Farther...
Like summer and spring clothes?
13 years ago  •  7 subscribers 14 answers
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--- otherwise I thought you should not take a bathing suit.--- what are you? Swimwear is a must! take it, take it, make no mistake on the contrary, do not forget about the means protection from the scorching sun. Useful Farther...
5 years ago  •  11 subscribers 11 answers
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Wear a light but warm jacket, sneakers and that's it. Take a jacket and a warm sweater with you, sometimes it gets chilly on planes. You won’t need warm shoes on the plane, it’s better to take warm socks. If it’s cold, put on your children and yourself. Farther...