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Gathered in March to take a hot ticket. Where is the best place to go? We want to have a rest not only on the beach, but also on excursions. I would be grateful for recommendations)
5 years ago  •  18 subscribers 28 answers
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sk_lora what kind of malaria?)) Where did you read this? Are the waves high? Hmm.. so there is an ocean. but there are hundreds of coves and beaches without waves. And there are no waves in Goa?)) Well, judging by your text, Thailand is the best. But to compare the ocean with bays .... well, so-so comparison .. And nature is beautiful everywhere in all places. The main thing is what the author's priorities are. Farther...
i want to fly to thailand from Kyiv
17 years ago  •  2 subscribers 5 answers
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Fly 9.5-10 hours. Difficult, but without transfers. via Kyiv "Aerosvit" regular flights VV 171 14-00 - departure from Kyiv and arrive at 04-30 the next day local time (difference to Kyiv time +5 hours) The flight there is not very felt, because. you're still going on vacation. And on the way back, those 10 hours seem like an eternity. But the rest is worth it. Have a nice holiday. we are also flying, but this time through the Turks, because we are from Sevastopol - closer, and a little cheape ... Farther...
It rains in Thailand, I don’t want to go to Turkey, but I don’t really know about the rest, or the prices are very ...
16 years ago  •  3 subscribers 31 answer
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Eastern Europe - the Czech Republic, Poland, if you have a seaside vacation, then Croatia, also in September it’s good in the Crimea and the schoolchildren were taken away, and there are plenty of fruits, and the sea is still warm, don’t forget Truskavets, have a good rest. Farther...
Hi all. who can compare turkey, china and thailand: at prices by the friendliness of the people by tan stickiness by ... your own comparison. For example, Thailand is more expensive than China. The Chinese are somewhat meaner than the Thais (although depending on where you get). in thailand you burn in one fell swoop. and the tan will fade very quickly.
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 17 answers
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I love Thailand very much - for good inexpensive hotels, for elephants and loris, for the most delicious cuisine in the world, for mangoes and mangosteens, you can go on for a very long time! But the climate there, as for me, is absolutely terrible. And Turkey is just a home. I love everything there! Climate, nature, sea, people, history. ALL! I dream of retiring to settle somewhere on the Aegean coast... Farther...
The travel agency explained to me that they take dollars of 1996 very reluctantly, since there are many counterfeit bills of this particular year of issue, what nonsense, I bought dollars at the bank .....
17 years ago  •  2 subscribers 9 answers
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Yes, there is such a problem, but not everywhere. And the larger the denomination of the bill, the higher the rate. Farther...
how is it there?? it seems to me that there will be “not very good”, since there are only negative reviews ... the most interesting question is safety! How is law and order there? what is the attitude towards the Russians? after all, there are only Arabs .. and in general, good people who rested there, name at least a couple of pluses of a holiday in Tunisia (if there are any at all). thank you in advance)
11 years ago  •  31 subscriber 64 answers
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I was in Port El Kantaoui in July. I went to Tunisia in order to learn a new country. Everything was even possible to say within comfort. The sea is clean, the sand is of a pleasant structure. I don’t go to the same place twice. So, if you are not capricious, go and don’t think about sad things !!!!!! Farther...
Gentlemen, I am a citizen of Ukraine with permanent residence in Germany. I could not find information on the Internet to which countries I can go without a visa. I would like to relax with my family in Croatia or Italy or Spain. Well, in general, I am interested in those countries in which Ukrainians without permanent residence need visas. Does anyone have experience and can help with advice?
11 years ago  •  14 subscribers 18 answers
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Hello, a person with permanent residence in Germany can go to the USA without a visa? Farther...
I would like a not very expensive and decent place, most of all I am interested in a good rest, beach and hotel.
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 15 answers
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Pattaya is not very expensive, and the entertainment there is the coolest of all of Thailand, if you can’t imagine a better vacation for young people =)))) Farther...