Related questions: Is it possible to export medicines from Belarus

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Tell me, who took out how many packs of medicines from Egypt? Were there problems at the airport? Did you open your suitcase? Is it better to pack between things? I want to buy medicines, I was very interested in these moments. Thanks.
5 years ago  •  22 subscribers 52 answers
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I read and was shocked how many sick people drink handfuls of pills, no offense, maybe it’s better not to fly to Egypt five times a year for medicines, but to Truskavets for treatment? Farther...
5 years ago  •  11 subscribers 13 answers
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In Egypt, drugs are 5-10 times cheaper than in Ukraine!!!. There are 4 state pharmacies El Ezaby in Sharm. 2 in the old city, 1 in Naama, 1 in Nabq (15 minutes walk from George Clooney), You can pay in pounds, dollars, euros, international cards. They give a check, a fixed price is stamped on each medicine. They brought in December 15 packs (in each package, 3 sheets of 10 capsules) of Gepaforte, they also found fault, grimaced, but missed it, since we took them out of cardboard packages and sca ... Farther...
Dear experts, tell me how much you can import and export strong alcohol and cigarettes from Egypt?
7 years ago  •  9 subscribers 15 answers
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So this is not the Czech Republic. People don't go to Egypt for Czech beer Farther...
5 years ago  •  10 subscribers 13 answers
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We constantly bring medicines from Turkey - paracetamol, ibuprofen in various forms for adults and children, analgin syrup (we don’t have this), antihistamines, beta-blockers and other heart drugs, eutiroks, tantum-verde, voltaren, nizoral ... in general anything without a prescription. Prescription antibiotics. In terms of quantity - an annual supply of heart drugs and hormones, the rest is also in rather large quantities, since friends and relatives also ask. There were never any questions eit ... Farther...
7 years ago  •  14 subscribers 18 answers
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He brought 15 kg of mangoes and 10 kg of pomegranates. For fidelity, I took greener fruits, wrapped them in toilet paper, secured them with adhesive tape on top. Farther...