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Do I need to take out insurance for a trip to the Dominican Republic and Cuba? And if so, what is the minimum amount?
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 28 answers
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Insurance is voluntary, but I think it should be mandatory. In another country, we have no relatives (as a rule, we travel only with spouses and children) who could help us out (when it comes to health, delay in providing assistance can be fatal). Therefore, insurance is a must. I also want to add that before traveling to another country, you need to find out the coordinates of the embassy of your country. Farther...
Upon arrival, rashes began to appear in the form of mosquito bites, did anyone else have this? Respond please!!!! Didn't go on safari to the jungle either...
12 years ago  •  8 subscribers 9 answers
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Yes, a rash is a consequence, and there can be many and different reasons, it is better to go to a dermatologist and a specialist will determine what is wrong with you and how to treat it. Farther...
Dear tourists!! Let me once again return to the topic already discussed, though two years ago, the topic. Approximately on the 4th-5th day of my stay in Egypt, I get covered in places with a nasty, itchy rash, mainly bends of the elbows, knees, etc. Maybe for This time, medicine has advanced significantly, but I don’t know? Who came across and knows how to cope, help, pliz .. And then soon fly, you need to start drinking something ...
14 years ago  •  13 subscribers 27 answers
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As an allergic person with urticaria of unknown etiology, which upon arrival to the seas-oceans necessarily suffers from it a little - I want to give a couple of tips. If you still take pills (ointment, cream or gel as a local remedy is also needed) - in no case do not take the mentioned diazolin, suprastin and tavegil - these are antihistamines, so to speak, outdated. They really make you fall asleep uncontrollably, and some have a severe reaction like after heavy antidepressants (for example, ... Farther...
customs pass? I have a friend who was going to bring a crab or a lobster to her mother in Novosibirsk, so we are wondering if customs will let such luggage through?
14 years ago  •  7 subscribers 51 answer
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going to carry a live crab? Farther...
Can you tell me, please, where is the rest considered the best? Is it possible to compare 4 * hotels in Egypt and 4 * Turkey in terms of level?
16 years ago  •  4 subscribers 28 answers
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Nobody said anything about children. I was 9 times in Egypt in different hotels and 6 times in Turkey, also in different hotels. Therefore, I can safely say that in Turkey children are given much more attention in terms of entertainment than in Egypt. More interesting for children in Turkey, and more useful in Egypt (sea). So you can do like me: May - Turkey, November - Egypt. Farther...
Good afternoon everyone! I plan to fly from mid-February to early March, but I can’t decide where: to India or Thailand? Who was in these countries, where you liked it more? Hotel 3*. We are traveling with my wife. Interested in: 1. The climate at this time of the year 2. Sights (what you can see) 3. The level of service in hotels 4. Prices for tours 5. Prices in the country itself (how much to take with you) Help with the choice!!! We fly abroad for the first time!
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 10 answers
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1. The climate in Thailand will be milder, in India it will be hotter and wetter. 2. There is much more to see in Thailand than in India. India - exotic, a minimum of comfort. 3. 3* hotels are definitely better in Thailand. Indian 3* is generally recognized as 2* or 1*. 4. Flying to India was not much cheaper. than in Thai. From Ekb. for two for 12 nights in Goa - 65000, for 15 nights in Tai - 69000. 5. In India, food is cheaper than anywhere else. For two we spent 700 bucks with excursions. ... Farther...
I read many reviews about this hotel, but no one discusses this "problem". In the description of this hotel everywhere they write that it is forbidden to smoke everywhere !!! But what about those who love to smoke (like my husband for example). If he does not smoke, his life is in vain :))). He will take out my whole brain there :)) Is it worth going there or not? Tell me, fellow smokers :))) And yet, in the description they write that there are rooms for non-smokers. Does this mean that there are smoking rooms there too. This hotel is the dream of my life, and I would not want to "break" because of this "problem". One hope for those who were there and know for sure. HELP!!!
11 years ago  •  11 subscribers 29 answers
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Have you seen the movie "People of the Tenth Hour"? One of my most favorite. About the benefits of smoking :))) If you are serious about the topic, then I smoke a lot. Balcony, bar and outdoor part of the restaurant, i.e. wherever there are ashtrays. You noticed that the Turks never look for the urn for cigarette butts, but I will never leave the bull, remembering that I am visiting. Drinking and even getting drunk without disturbing anyone is not a sin, it is unacceptable to hang around the res ... Farther...