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Please advise the region for the trip and the hotel. Or what to pay special attention to when choosing a hotel at the end of the season. Thanks!
9 years ago  •  17 subscribers 22 answers
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Great weather there at this time! It rains, but not for long, the sea is warm as milk. The suffocating heat of summer is no more. There are no students or schoolchildren. Farther...
Tell me, please, we want to fly to India on March 16, what is the weather like there, there is no rain at this time, can you swim, are the waves big?
10 years ago  •  9 subscribers 13 answers
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The rainy season starts in June. In March it will be hot, but still comfortable. The hottest month is May. The waves will not be very big, the biggest ones are in January, well, in the rainy season. Choose a beach where there are rocks, then fewer waves will reach the shore, for example, Anjuna, Vagator. Farther...
It rains in Thailand, I don’t want to go to Turkey, but I don’t really know about the rest, or the prices are very ...
16 years ago  •  3 subscribers 31 answer
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Eastern Europe - the Czech Republic, Poland, if you have a seaside vacation, then Croatia, also in September it’s good in the Crimea and the schoolchildren were taken away, and there are plenty of fruits, and the sea is still warm, don’t forget Truskavets, have a good rest. Farther...
I'm going to Sri Lanka with my boyfriend in September. Where is the best place to go to avoid rain? Which coast is better to be closer to all excursions? How much money should you expect to take with you? We are going "savage".
10 years ago  •  6 subscribers 8 answers
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We were in mid December. Farther...
We will be full 10 days. How to dispose of them, so as not to get very tired, but also to see the exotic of these places? Also, what are the best cafes to eat in? Thanks for answers. We are very worried...
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 13 answers
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Gentlemen, why does no one write about such a beautiful place as Hampi!? To be in Goa and not go to Hampi is simply a sin! An ancient city for many kilometers, temples, monkeys... such a color, my God! We traveled with the Asiaiya company, friends advised us! They have a website something like Their guides, of course, are classy! We learned so much about India with our family that now we can work as guides ourselves! In general, Hampi is recommended! Farther...
the off-season in Sri Lanka was quite comfortable. How much stronger it rains there in Goa than in Sri Lanka. Are the beaches open on the coast.
11 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
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In Goa in July it will be very uncomfortable. Not only will it be problematic to swim, but many restaurants will be closed, not to mention any entertainment. Farther...
Gathered in March to take a hot ticket. Where is the best place to go? We want to have a rest not only on the beach, but also on excursions. I would be grateful for recommendations)
5 years ago  •  18 subscribers 28 answers
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sk_lora what kind of malaria?)) Where did you read this? Are the waves high? Hmm.. so there is an ocean. but there are hundreds of coves and beaches without waves. And there are no waves in Goa?)) Well, judging by your text, Thailand is the best. But to compare the ocean with bays .... well, so-so comparison .. And nature is beautiful everywhere in all places. The main thing is what the author's priorities are. Farther...