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9 years ago  •  10 subscribers 17 answers
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Visiting the holy places and sights of Israel does not depend on the season. In winter, some excursions can only be overshadowed by rainy weather or wind, when they are, but it doesn’t happen day after day. A jacket, sweater, closed shoes will be useful especially in the evening when it gets colder. Also in winter, cool water in the Dead Sea and in the Jordan (during an excursion to Galilee). Otherwise, as in other seasons: the Old City of Jerusalem with its 4 quarters, the Church of the Holy Se ... Farther...
There are many days off during the May holidays. I would like to visit the Western Wall (Israel) and at the same time relax at the sea. Advise where it is better to go - to Egypt and from there to Israel, or directly to Israel? Looking at sightseeing tours to Israel, one gets the impression that we will spend the whole day on the bus, without resting at sea. If you look at the tour from Egypt - they write a very difficult trip ... Advise experienced - where is it better to go? What is the weather like in Israel at this time?
11 years ago  •  7 subscribers 8 answers
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Yes, from Taba as from Eilat. Also very long and hard. Easier than from Sharm, of course. But these day trips are nothing more than a promotional trip. It is after such trips that "ready-made" clients come to us. I have not heard from them the delight of spending a lot of money on this tour. They were only glad that they understood that they had to go to Israel. Therefore, if you already want to go to Israel, then it’s better not to think about the option from Egypt. It is necessary to buy tick ... Farther...
Is it possible to travel around the Promised Land without knowing the language and without contacting tour companies? So to speak, savage
12 years ago  •  4 subscribers 7 answers
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Transport in Israel is excellent, both buses and trains. The exception - Sabbath - starts from lunch on Friday and lasts all Saturday, arriving at this time it will really be possible to get to the place only by taxi! Israel is a very small country, look at the websites of the railways of Israel, trains also go around Tel Aviv itself (more like a subway, while connecting the main cities), the cost of tickets is inexpensive. The cheapest transport is the bus, which runs according to the schedule. ... Farther...
How and where can I get a work visa to Israel? Where to start, where to apply, what documents do you need to collect? I've been trying to do something for 6 months now and nothing works! HELP!!!!
9 years ago  •  11 subscribers 31 answer
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I dreamed of moving to Israel since I was 10 years old. As they say, when there is a desire, there is an opportunity. And so it happened. A friend invited me, she said that she would help with work and housing. I started asking my friends where to go. Goisraell helped to get a work visa for my work colleague. Knowing how many companies simply cheat their customers without issuing a visa, I was very happy with a trusted person. There, after all, you don’t have to pay 10 dollars, you don’t want to ... Farther...