Paradise in December!

Written: 26 december 2007
Travel time: 26 december 2007 — 2 january 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Ask yourself, are you going on holiday or shopping? If you rest then: choose Sharjah, the coastline, leave the room and go to the beach to the sea. From 18.12. 2007-25.12. 2007 the sea is warm, it's hot outside, the tan is amazing!! ! Breakfast is varied and delicious! There is a free sauna and gym. Prohibition in Sharzhde...worried?? ? Buy yourself 2 liters. alcohol per person at the airport upon departure from Moscow, if there is not enough Sharjah, catch a taxi and say Ajman Beach Hotel and ask to wait, behind the hotel there is a shop with elite alcoholic drinks, like in duty free and even cheaper!

The hotel rooms are wonderful, cozy...we were delighted! The hotel has free buses, take them, and change to a taxi in the city. Say Riga Road and upon arrival look for a wonderful Russian restaurant, there is sushi and Lebanese food, but not the Fantasia restaurant, but another one!

There is also a chic Arabic place, next to Riga street there is Muraqqabat street, at the bottom of the street if you look at the map, a 2-story restaurant near the mosque, a brown building, is it called Sarma or what? Waiters in pink shirts. If you find it, you will understand the flavor of this wonderful country, it is not expensive and insanely delicious!! ! Grab a Kebab and drink fresh strawberry or kiwi juice...SHIKARDOS!!

Shopping: there are no discounts at this time, only for India and China. Prices everywhere as in Moscow and for food, travel, shops. If you take a hotel in the city, you will be taken to the beach, as we will not rest, do not sunbathe. Indian diamonds, I prefer Yakut diamonds - they are the best, but they are not in the Emirates! As for the coat! I bought a white canadian mink whole, short (to drive a car) and with a hood for $2300, initially cost $3500. Be careful if you go to the market or to another store.
They sell a black diamond, and after the snow it becomes brown and numb! Or in the cold, the fur coat hardens, cardboard is found. We bought fur coats in the Planet of Furs, they speak Russian there and our tour vouched for the quality. operator in the UAE Desert Adventures Tourism is a wonderful operator! For questions, write to: Yolanta@yandex. en
Compared to the advantages, there are none, take only breakfasts to this hotel, and dine in Dubai. There are a lot of restaurants there, just don't eat at the Fish Restaurant in Sharjah not far from the hotel, just throw away your money!
For 4 stars, super!! ! Go there you will love it! Greetings, everyone is very friendly! A very important plus is that our own buses are free to Dubai and Sharjah. Rooms, breakfast, beach, service is excellent!
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