Travel agency review Адвант Тревел (Kyiv)

Sheep in wolf skin

Date of purchase: 21 august 2018
Written: 22 august 2018
Travel agency: Адвант Тревел (Kyiv)
Service type: другие услуги

Temptingly they say, all according to the technique of the sect. Everything is beautiful everything is gorgeous. Already thought about buying a package for 600 dollars. It remains to close doubts after hearing the answer to your question, in order to be confident in the company. I am a former travel agent and I know that tour operators give travel agencies an average of 12%. And Advant Travel firmly tells people that their company earns exclusively on packages. At the same time, I saw a video where the guy says that you can earn 1306 dollars in Advant in a month. I was at a seminar where a high-ranking manager Laura spoke. She impressed me and I decided that it was she who would dispel my doubts. I waited a long time while she informed the woman who had been targeted on the street that day. She was like a blank slate..didn't go anywhere and didn't know about tourism at all... The high manager Laura shared her knowledge with a smile and rich experience and offered support in booking, etc. My one-on-one question was - ... How does the company earn? And how. If a company earns $600 for 15 years, can you earn $1,300 in one month?? And at the same time give cars .gold orders and feed all networkers out of 600 dollars ?? Laura changed her face, (there was a radiant smile a second ago), began to speak on YOU and shout who invited you here!? And then to say that her principled position is not to talk with the rank and file, ask those who brought you! I've been waiting for her for such a long time she was campaigning for that woman... I was shocked! From manners and lies in the eyes! Because I sincerely thought without a second thought that I just didn’t know something ... and I was ready to register for 600. Then I was alarmed ... That they don’t allow questions to be asked at simenars in front of everyone. They say ... Ask all the questions to those who brought you ... That is ... they will answer as they were taught. Of course, they will be spellbound in the hall if they hear ... and why Advant is registered in an offshore zone and all possible problems are solved according to foreign laws. Here is the contact info from the Advant Travel website

PO Box 590,

Suites 5 Horsfords Business Centre,

Long Point Road, Charlestown, Nevis,

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

That is why it is not advisable for everyone to ask such questions. The firm can leave with the money as soon as the wallet starts to burst ... And you can't prove anything. I am writing a review. Because I think if a person has nothing to hide, he will gladly answer all questions, and such a reaction is not normal and casts a shadow ... Who knows what ... (good or bad) company ..

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