Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

'Long road in the dunes'

Date of purchase: 20 july 2019
Written: 11 november 2019
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

We bought the tour back in the summer - it seems "early booking" - is it true? .When the tour was canceled - due to the fault of the travel agency (they offered tours instead that did not suit us) - the problem was solved, it seems, just return the money - and we all forgot about you, like a bad dream. But no, because we live in Ukraine, we have there can’t be simple solutions (the mess begins with the travel agency Datur (Zhytomyr) through which the ticket was issued, sends a request for a refund - everything seems to be normal, but no - after 3 weeks from the Accord there are "problems" - bank details do not match, etc. etc. I work in commerce myself - I understand that this is a banal "toffee" - in general, it’s profitable for them to “ruin” money since the summer (you can even put a couple of percent on a deposit, you can “cut down”). The Accord company is even shorter

then - "crook". The problem was still at the exchange rate, in the euro-summer one-autumn it was different. In general, Datur helped us out (they compensated us for the exchange rate difference for their money, thanks to them!). I do not recommend contacting the Accord. - Don't risk it. It's better to go by yourself.

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