Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

Accrod tour travel agency is a scammer.

Date of purchase: 17 september 2018
Written: 07 november 2018
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

In September 2018, the "Hungarian Secret" tour was ordered and fully paid for. Date of departure from Kyiv 12.11.2018. We booked a hotel in Kyiv (we live in Kharkov) and bought train tickets. Four days before departure, the tour operator canceled the trip, citing the fact that the required number of people did not get there. Of course, this could become known to the tour operator exactly four days before departure!? The tours offered instead of this did not suit us either by the date of departure. we did not have time to get to Lviv from Kharkov, neither in terms of the content of the tours, nor in terms of cost. In addition, we were deprived of the opportunity to find tours suitable for us in another agency, because. there was no talk of a refund in a short time, and all the funds were already on the account of the Accord tour. The company and the travel agent also did not talk about any compensation for the moral and material damage caused. I come to the conclusion: ACCORD TOUR - SCAMMERS. This is possible only in our country, where citizens are not protected from the actions of such tourist criminals.

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