Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

The chord is not the same

Date of purchase: 16 may 2019
Written: 14 october 2019
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: пакетный тур

Before the speech, I recently contacted with an accompanying group in Accord, for which I went on a tour and found out what fate they introduced a new rule for them: if you don’t have a tour on Accord’s website, at least three positive reviews with photographs, then the group will be taken into account pay more) to that more cores of the group now ask tourists to write on the website Accord reviews, or write them yourself, so you can show yourself if there are truthful and real opinions, or you can find food not in your mind, think, maybe clerks and managers Accord respect their client-tourists, why stink like this to their own practitioners? Vidpovid, I think, is obvious.

Aje not a kerіvnik of a group folds the route, not vin choose hotels, a bus, but you need to ask for it on the tour, so that vin directly communicates with tourists, and not managers yak folded the tour, and then ask for good advice otherwise reduce wages. I went up in price about 10 times with Accord and also noticed that the quality is steadily decreasing, such hostility is to marry for mass and income, and I don’t give a damn about the quality of servants, satisfied tourists, and their practitioners

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