Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

Money scam!

Date of purchase: 25 july 2017
Written: 31 july 2017
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: пакетный тур

Good afternoon. I write as a travel agent. I do not recommend anyone to ever contact this tour operator.

Booked tour 25.07 "Great discovery-Portugal", departure in 2 weeks, 11.08. Before that, the manager Christina Gerilovich confirmed to us that the tour on a guarantee and departure is GUARANTEED. Tour confirmed on 26.07. Send an invoice and ask for payment. Tourists pay the bill on 27.07. And on July 28, the same manager calls us and says that the tour will be canceled "due to cancellations and rescheduling of the dates of some tourists" (official response from the tour operator).

I repeat, there are still 2 weeks before the departure. Everything happened within 3 days.

The tourist has a birthday and she planned to go on tour on August 11 in the month of May. Then I called and clarified some details, they told me that the tours were booked. This "guarantee" was confirmed to me before booking. As a result, the tour is canceled, the Accord is behaving ugly.

The tour operator offered tourists 3 alternatives:

-the same tour with departure "tomorrow" from Lviv, tourists in Kyiv

-another tour is cheaper, with overnight trips to Spain

- Refund within 14 days.

Tourists decided to communicate directly with the representative of Accord, to which they received an answer that they should resolve all issues through their travel agent. The tour operators told us that sometimes it happens that they are not to blame, in a telephone conversation they said that the tourists did not get their passports (I remind you, 2 weeks before departure), in a letter they wrote to us about "cancellation" and "transfers" by other tourists (usually for such "cancellations" and "transfers" for 2 weeks, tourists pay fines in the amount of 50% of the cost of tours)

As a result:

-Accord collected money for the tour and "wait for a refund" (it looks like an interest-free loan of some kind). One could believe in a fatal accident and in the fact that the managers were sure until the very end that the tour would take place if it had not all been done as soon as possible. And if it were not for the reviews of other colleagues with the same "fatal accident". Well, if there weren’t 2 more weeks left before the departure, during which it would be possible to gather the required number of people.

- tourists are waiting for a refund to celebrate their birthday abroad. Tourists have not received a decent alternative, no apologies from Accord, no clear explanation of when the money will be and what happened. They do not compensate money for bank transfers and for the delivery of railway tickets.

- as a travel agent, on the one hand, we have dissatisfied tourists, a damaged reputation, trials "who earns how much from the tour", wasted time. On the other hand, a tour operator that behaves inappropriately, incompetent employees who do not know how to work with partners or tourists, an incomprehensible situation that smacks of a divorce in the style of the 90s.

The only thing is that the Accord will return the money in full within the promised 14 days and will soon leave the market.

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