Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

Problems with opening visas at Accord Tour

Date of purchase: 02 april 2012
Written: 21 april 2012
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: пакетный тур

I want to tell you about the ruined vacation with Accord Tour. The tour was selected and booked a month before departure. The documents were also handed over in a timely manner, but this did not prevent this travel agency from informing us the day before departure that the Polish consulate had screened out, i.e. did not have time to process our documents. The May holidays are "on the nose", it is simply not possible to find another tour and apply for visas. An employee of AccordTour said in a telephone conversation that there are no hopeless situations and you can just go to the Crimea to get some fresh air. I also want to note that this trip was supposed to be a birthday present. "Many thanks" to Accordtour for spoiling the rest. If you are going to travel with AccordTour through Poland in the near future, it is better to open a visa yourself. Because the company will not be able to offer you anything, except for rest in the Crimea. They promised to return the money for vouchers and tickets, but no one will compensate you for the spoiled vacation.

P.S. I read the reviews and realized that I am not the only one with problems with opening a visa. As far as I understand, our documents never reached the consulate. Neither the date of entry of documents to the consulate, nor a letter from the consulate stating that the documents will not be processed by the company cannot be provided.

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