Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

Tour that didn't live up to expectations

Date of purchase: 09 march 2021
Written: 17 july 2021
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Extremely dissatisfied with the attitude of Accord and Maitravel towards tourists. Separately, I want to note the open rudeness of Kurochka Ya.

I consider the absence of at least one unfortunate sightseeing tour of Budva to be an extreme zhlobstvo on the part of Accord. Not a single sightseeing tour in the tour program, and all optional ones are 2 times more expensive than they sell on the waterfront! Guys - this is the bottom!

On 03/09/2021, my friend and I purchased the Luchika Montenegro tour on 06/29/21 from the representative of the Accord tour in Kyiv, Maitravel agency. The director and he is the employee who designed the tour, Kurochka Yaroslav. The price of the tour for early booking was 365 euros. On June 5, I saw on the website of the Accord tour the price of 246 euros for our dates. I turned to Yaroslav Kurochka for clarification. Even when I personally showed him the price on the site and asked him to explain how early booking could cost more, he showed no desire to understand the situation. And all I asked was to credit the difference for the tour package! I contacted the Accord hotline and, after 5 minutes of internal proceedings, they informed me that it was the computer specialists who had messed up something and immediately changed the price on the website to 330 euros (still below 365!) Naturally, there was no reduction in the price of the tour either in Accord, Maitravel didn't even want to hear about it! But the main disappointment awaited us ahead. From conversations with the tourists of our group, we learned that people bought our tour for 246, 300 and 330 euros already in June, i.e. our early booking turned out to be 20-30 percent more expensive than the average tour price! But that's not all! When checking into the hotel, the guide did not have any data on the cost paid by the tourist. As a result, my friend and I ended up in a wretched 10-meter room, and people who paid less, in 30-40 meter suites and apartments. On the very first day of rest, I wrote a negative review of Accord, but he was immediately banned. After all, Accord loves only laudatory admiring reviews!

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