Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

We are no longer on vacation! It's better to stay at home...

Date of purchase: 20 june 2019
Written: 13 october 2019
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Tour to Germany we paid for 3 months. It didn't take place. "Accord-tour" offered a slightly more expensive replacement with the Netherlands. We chose within half an hour and before our eyes (in half an hour) the cost of the tour increased by 50 Euros. We called, were indignant, we reduced the cost to the original.

First disappointment: TERMINAL-A. If not for the positive emotions from the upcoming trip, it could be described as follows: a bus station with a queue of 40 minutes for a coffee / sandwich and 15-20 (!!!) minutes to go to the toilet. The "shop" is fenced off with racks, 60% of those leaving were able to sit down, the remaining 40% were standing. We left on Saturday morning, so there were a lot of people.

Second disappointment: BUS. Old, with worn carpets. But it turned out that he was the best on our trip)). Further, after passing the border, there was a transfer to a "new" one, which immediately broke down.

Third disappointment: DID NOT VISIT Wroclaw. According to the plan, if we pass the border in 2 hours, we will visit Wroclaw. We were 6 in line at the border. We passed the border in 4 hours. The guide said that the passage of the border laid 40 minutes - 1 bus. There are two checkpoints. The Accord tour alone released about 15(!!) buses at 30 minute intervals that Saturday. This is 7 buses per point + buses from other travel agencies (after us, another 6 buses arrived within 20 minutes). In general, the phrase: When you quickly pass the border, visit ... (eg Wroclaw), you can immediately skip - do not visit. In general - the first day of transfer across Poland with stops at gas stations until 22.00.

The fourth disappointment: the first HOTEL in Poland is KAPETS! It's on the highway, next to the gas station. Clean, but ugly. Failed armrests of chairs and sofas, a restaurant with a wedding (until 3 am). If anyone remembers the hotels of the 1980s in regional centers - this is it.

Fifth disappointment: Breakfast is good and it cheered me up) But not for long. As I wrote above, the bus did not come for us, it broke down. And we spent time at the hotel on the track until 18.30. In general, not only did we also DRIVE BY BERLIN, we also ADDED A NIGHT crossing ... And the tour was specially taken without night crossings.

Two days - transit through Europe)))

Then everything went according to plan, but free time was very good. little, all the hotels are 90-250 km. from cities. You can't even get there by taxi. We chose a budget tour, but we have something to compare with.

Our findings with my husband:

1) Accord tour - lottery. If you are ready to risk your vacation - you are here. They will take you abroad, and then, as the card falls).

2) If you are READY to see EUROPE at 50% -60% from the bus window, live at gas stations, eat there - then this is your tour operator.

3) The tour did not come out cheaper, because all extras excursions cost 38 Euro per person.

AND THE MOST SAD!!! I CAN'T UNsubscribe from the ACCORD TOUR NEWSLETTER!))) My, and three other people from the tour, negative reviews were deleted, but the mailing list was left - as a punishment)

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