Travel agency review Алголь Туроператор (Lviv)

Good travel agency

Date of purchase: 06 august 2015
Written: 10 september 2015
Travel agency: Алголь Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Advice about the "Italian Nation" tour I went together from Algol to the "Italian Nation" tour from 22.08.2015 to 30.08.2015. Organizing zdіbnosti tsієї turistmi Bula was taken aback: everything is painted to the point of hvilini, we hope for new information for different taste and needs, satisfying the needs of all tourists at once and skin okremo. I would like to pay more respect to the work of the group’s guide, which, it was given, having gone to the guide’s robot and, in a costly way, in a comical and cheerful manner, telling tourists, what’s going on, especially in that other region, not important for 1000 km of distance, and also informatively rich. I am happy with the planned trip to Algol again!

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