Travel agency review Амина-тур (Kyiv)

Venera Osipova's scam will be proven in court

Date of purchase: 22 december 2018
Written: 27 december 2018
Travel agency: Амина-тур (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

The tour company was recommended by her former employee, unfortunately I did not immediately check the reviews on the Internet. Venus decided to cash in on us Cynically and without good reason. We bought a tour to Egypt, paid in full for everything that was due, received an agreement and a receipt for payment, but Venus’s greed worked out Greed and after 2 days she called and asked for an additional payment of almost $ 100, voicing a crazy non-existent reason, supposedly a hotel in Egypt requires an additional payment for a person from Europe (tour for two, one person from Ukraine, the second person from the European Union), I conducted an investigation in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, called many agencies that confirmed that this could not be, I came to the office of Venera Osipova and provided evidence of the illegitimacy of her demand for additional payment But greed does not leave Venus and she on the go comes up with one version after another why the tour is getting more expensive. I agreed to pay extra, but I asked to justify this amount, for which I could not get an intelligible adequate answer. In my contract there is a full payment, her own check is attached. As I understand it, Venera withdrew the amount from an ATM, she had to pay a commission to a private bank, she decided that clients would pay for it ((She hastily began to call somewhere, cancel the tour, etc. But I won’t leave this matter and file to the court, Venera Osipova does not deserve good reviews, unfortunately, if you are interested, write to read, to be continued. Please note that there is no information about Venera Osipova in FBook, there is not a single photo of her, this once again confirms that she does not have everything honest and transparent!!It's a pity that I didn't read the reviews about it before the deal,it's my mistake,I took people's word for it.

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