Travel agency review Вилмат (Poltava)

Seen better

Date of purchase: 29 december 2013
Written: 03 january 2014
Travel agency: Вилмат (Poltava)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Booked a New Year's tour to Dikanka. From the very beginning it was hard to "whack" the manager, he is also the director and owner (as it turned out) of the Wilmat travel agency. We lived in the hotel "Vivat Province", initially booked a double room with a double bed, eventually settled in a "single room with a shared room". That is, one sleeps on the bed, the other on the sofa bed. Breakfasts at the hotel are funny, scrambled eggs with cabbage or broth + buckwheat with sausage. The tour was designed for 2 days. In the information sheet on the company's website, Solokha, the clerk and the devil were promised a performance on New Year's Eve. The matter did not go further than a promise, there was an amateur performance of the restaurant team, but this has nothing to do with Wilmat. During the excursion to Dikanka (1. 01. ) the manager Zimin Evgeny went with us, who simply poured cognac with other tourists at the end of the bus, thereby creating inconvenience for those tourists who listened to the guide. Dinner at "Kochubey's Manor" frankly disappointed. There were only vodka and a jug of uzvar on the table, cutlets and dumplings were oversalted. Solokha's performance was a C. Most of the tourists were frankly bored. On the way back to the hotel, the manager was frankly drunk, as he could barely crawl on the bus, spreading a terrible fumes and bawling songs. Inappropriate host behavior. We were also promised an optional visit to Sorochin Yar, skiing, but no one even mentioned this. We were not provided with an organized check-out from the hotel, simply put, they left us to the mercy of fate. The manager Eugene didn't even bother to say goodbye to the part of the tourists who didn't have a drink with him. Separately, I would like to note the guide Vitaly, who saved the situation with interesting stories and deep knowledge of history.

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