Travel agency review Відпочинок на всі 100% (Kharkiv)

Unforgettable trips with an excellent travel agency.

Date of purchase: 05 september 2016
Written: 29 november 2016
Travel agency: Відпочинок на всі 100% (Kharkiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

I have been using the services of the travel agency "Rest for all 100" since 2014. I started with one-day excursions around Ukraine. I switched to touring last year. And she didn't regret it at all. This year I was on a big tour "Golden Ring of Russia" from 24. 08. 16. An excellent tour, by the way, a tourist from our group of travelers has already written about it. The trip turned out to be wonderful. Everything is very well thought out - accommodation in hotels, meals, excursions, free time. In each city we were met by experienced, erudite guides, passionate about their work. Very good hotels, quality food. Well thought out and organized routes. And all this at quite reasonable prices. The next tour was in September 2016. to Chernihiv - the city of secrets and legends, Sednev - an old Cossack town and Baturyn - the residence of the hetmans. I liked everything very much, a lot of pleasant impressions. It was doubly pleasant to visit the museum of the outstanding scientist-traveler N. Miklukho-Maclay, who was not in the program (as a bonus to the trip). I am satisfied with the travel agency. In December I am going to go with the same company for the sixth trip and have already scheduled a trip for January. It turns out as in the children's fairy tale "The Pipe and the Jug" they collected strawberries, we take one berry, we look at the other, we note the third, and the fourth is imagining. So it is with me with tours in this agency.

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