Travel agency review Гал-Круиз (Lviv)

Tour 'Paris + Switzerland' - an interesting tour full of impressions

Date of purchase: 25 april 2014
Written: 06 may 2014
Travel agency: Гал-Круиз (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Having bought the "Paris + Switzerland" tour from Gal Cruise and having read the negative reviews of some tourists, I expected that the bus and the rest itself would not be entirely comfortable. But the bus was comfortable, the drivers were professionals (and nice people too), the tour was full of impressions - Budapest, Munich, Paris, Zurich and Vienna. These are some of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Their beauty was simply breathtaking. Accompanying the group Mikhail is a huge respect, he always went last on sightseeing tours and made sure that none of the tourists got lost while photographing the sights. In other travel agencies with which you have previously traveled on tours, often accompanying people use the time of the tour to visit shops for their own personal purposes. Guides in Paris, Zurich, Budapest, Munich were also on top. They told intresno, although usually sightseeing tours are boring. But the selection of guides in the cities by Gal-Cruise was very pleasing and really worthy of praise. As for the cost of additional excursions and negative reviews about this, written by a tourist on this site, I can say the following. Everyone has the right to choose - to visit the museum on their own (paying for travel, entrance ticket, standing in line at the entrance to the museum), or pay more, but visit the museum without a queue, with a guide, comfortably by bus. That is, you have to pay for all the benefits. Therefore, choose what is more expensive for you - money spent or comfort. If you are not afraid to travel on your own in the metro and trains of Paris, do not be too lazy to stand in line for an hour at the entrance, for example, to Versailles or the Louvre, then you can visit the sights on your own. In addition, be sure to check with managers at what time you will return to Lviv and for what time to take return train tickets in order to save yourself and others nerves. And a huge request to "Gal-Cruise" in the tour programs on the website to indicate the time of the return of the bus to Lviv, so that tourists take tickets at the right time, so that the accompanying person on the tour does not rack his brains on how to catch his tourists to the train, and the bus drivers would not be forced to were to drive him on a wet road in the rain at the maximum speed in order to return to Lvov as soon as possible. Many thanks to Gal Cruise for the tour "Paris + Switzerland" and see you again, Michael and Gal Cruise!!!

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