Travel agency review Гал-Круиз (Lviv)

all by sea to spain

Date of purchase: 07 september 2013
Written: 30 september 2013
Travel agency: Гал-Круиз (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

For the first time we went with Gal-cruise on the bus tour "All at Sea to Spain" in September - our travel agent advised us, without personally knowing this company. The first unsuccessful trip in all the past more than 10 years - the company is extremely disgusting - it deceives its customers in everything - it all started from the very beginning - from a very old and not comfortable bus - they turned on the air conditioner only when the temperature in the cabin reached 30-32 degrees while it was noisy, like the engines of the neighbor’s plane could not be heard, from such noise the head began to hurt after 10 minutes, the TVs in the cabin were constantly turned off, hung up and it was impossible to watch movies. The company picks up mute escorts - he was silent all the way, did not say anything, uttered only phrases like "prepare money for excursions", Immediately upon boarding the bus at the Lvovsky station, they announced a radical change in the entire route and program, instead of the promised Spanish resort of Costa Bravons a roadside hotel was waiting near the railway in the port city. Tarago (and not a resort town) - it turned out to be a vacation almost at the railway station - trains ran regularly and, it seemed, through our rooms. Along the way, we passed by everything that could be visited along the way - Girona, Figueres, and then upon arrival we were offered to visit the same cities that we passed, but for a fee of 55 euros. The cost of all excursions from the company exceeded the real one by 2-3 times, for example, a sightseeing tour to Valencia on an ordinary sightseeing bus with a Russian-speaking guide costs 24 euros, and the company sold it for 45 euros, an excursion to the Dali Museum and Girona costs 34 euros, and the company takes 55 euros, a guided tour to Montserrat costs 21 euros, and the company takes 40 euros - and so on. The most amazing and brazen goon is that if you paid for the excursion, but for some reason could not go, for example, you fell ill, the company does not return the money to you! But they do not warn you about this in advance. So the company pocketed my 70 euros. This is such silliness. They do not care about their reputation, the main thing is to rip off their customers as much as possible so that they would never go with them again. Disgusting company, disgusting attendant, disgusting bus, disgusting hotels, I sincerely wish them to go bankrupt and leave the tourist market, and to everyone who goes on bus tours, avoid this company and never travel with them. Everything will be ruined.

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