Travel agency review Зима-Лето (Kyiv)

Unforgettable horror trip through the Czech Republic

Date of purchase: 28 december 2011
Written: 11 january 2012
Travel agency: Зима-Лето (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

A spoiled holiday, joint pain, a cold, a bad mood - this is what negligence and a foul attitude towards people of the Winter Summer travel agency can lead to. It all started with pleasant words about an unforgettable trip to the Czech Republic! The choice fell on this travel agency, since everything suited the tour program, and the main criterion was hotels, which, according to the manager, are located near the center. The plans for the new year were to walk around the square to celebrate the new year and, regardless of public transport, get to the place of lodging for the night. Under the terms of the contract, we are provided with a Euroclass bus. so we shouldn't have to worry about any inconvenience at night. The travel agency was lost for a very long time which embassy to submit documents to, so we submitted documents to the travel agency 20 days before departure for the Czech Embassy. Nothing indicated any misunderstandings. On December 22 (departure on the 28th) we got a call from the Czech embassy (at least that's how they introduced themselves from room 067) asking about the trip and that's it. On Monday, the 26th, the whole group called back and was told that we were serving at the Polish embassy and if they called, they would answer that we were going to Poland.

Before leaving, we only found out at 17:00 that visas had been issued. We received a letter in the mail with the text that due to the fact that visas were not issued to everyone, you need to pay extra 35 euros +100 for a visa !!!! we filed on time and called us from the Czech embassy. The hotels are not the same and the accompanying person is not the same. The hotels are all within the city, but very far from the center.

We met with the group already near the bus .. And (oh Horror !!!) this is an ordinary minibus !!! such converted from cargo buses !!! Things do not fit, suitcases lie at the feet, you can’t straighten your knees. Well, nowhere to go, they asked to change the bus, there is no connection with anyone from the travel agency. Passports in Lviv. Thought that the guide was there to join. It wasn’t there))) In Lviv, we were told that without 35 euros they would not give us the documents, the driver was not responsible for anything, they had a route to Prague and they called the guides there and arranged excursions for us. We drove around Poland for three hours because we didn't pay the toll. As a result, the whole group, very tired, got to Krakow at half past two, due at 9:00 in the morning. We were brought to the center of Krakow and, like, here's an excursion !! Everyone has a desire to wash, go to the toilet, eat, no one even asked!!! The course guide was asked to conduct a tour after two hours, she refused. As a result, they were brought to the outskirts of the city and, if you want, see the city as you like (it takes 35-40 minutes to get there).

It took us almost 7 hours to get to Prague. We were taken by villages so as not to catch the eyes of the police again, during this time there is no where to go to the toilet, to eat too, people really went under the bushes !!! All angry and hungry ended up in Prague. All joints hurt and knees numb. The bus is either cold or hot! There is a TV, but it is not visible to the first rows, it is not audible to the back rows. The drivers are boorish, when asked to open the window there was nothing to breathe, they answered that in half an hour you will ask for heating !!! Don't tell me where to go and I won't tell you where to go. This is the driver's answer to the driver's reproach that there are autobahns in Poland !!!

They brought us to this Soviet hotel (it is not clear who gave it 3 stars), but it does not matter. According to the tour program, a tour of Prague is scheduled for the morning, but the guides decided to save the driver a lot in the morning, it took place at two o'clock in the afternoon. The New Year had to be celebrated until half past one. the metro works until one o'clock, a taxi costs about 350 hryvnia. For breakfast we were fed cereal tea coffee, bread, cheese and sausage, jam and butter, everything!! In Karlovy Vary, the group went but did not visit anything that was planned, neither a factory with a tasting, nor a castle, so just a walking tour in the rain without umbrellas. We did not get to Dresden because no one warned us that the departure was at eight. Well, there is no senior. Who was, they said that they were like without a guide around the city and that's it !!! It was all for an additional fee. The road back took 24 hours, the drivers had to shout that everyone wanted to eat in the toilet, etc. it was terrible!! And so we ended up in a foreign country without an escort, without insurance (we just didn’t know about it)

Where to change money and at what rate is not known at all, it was !!!!

it was the worst trip ever!!! People do not go to Winter Summer, choose something normal!!!!

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