Travel agency review Ильтур (Kyiv)

Hellish carrier - Iltur

Date of purchase: 20 august 2013
Written: 11 september 2013
Travel agency: Ильтур (Kyiv)
Service type: другие услуги

For the second year in a row, I managed to turn to Iltur, this infernal carrier. I thought that last time a number of problems were due to coincidence.

I understand everything - a long way, 2 borders, the human factor, anything can happen. But for Iltur, continuous problems are their motto and rule. And they do not care that customers are not satisfied with them, they are not going to improve anything, rest assured.

Most of the drivers are Bulgarians, who for some reason are not at all interested in getting people to the place faster, all the delays near the road are mainly due to their carelessness. Due to ignorance of carrying people on some rural roads, pits, shaking is unbelievable, this causes buses to fall apart.

The buses are dirty from the starting point.

Comfort (even in the minimal sense of the word) and Iltur are incompatible.

Be careful when ordering a tour from tour operators, do not be lazy to ask which carrier, although they say until the last moment that is not yet known.

Your happiness is in your hands, do not give it to Iltura!

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