Travel agency review Море (Kyiv)

Don't give a damn attitude

Date of purchase: 27 april 2012
Written: 06 june 2012
Travel agency: Море (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур, отель

I wanted to go to the Czech Republic and Hungary on an excursion. This travel agency just had a cheap tour. By sending them documents by mail, tk. I am not from Kyiv, I began to wait for a response from the Hungarian consulate. On the day of departure, I was informed that I was denied a visa. I was very surprised and upset, because. the package of documents that I sent was considered sufficient (I sent everything according to the list that they gave me). Arriving for my documents at the Hungarian consulate, it turned out that there were no 2 documents that I sent. I was very angry and immediately went to find out the reason for such carelessness. There was no agent who handled my tour, so another manager talked to me and called the person who gave my documents to the consulate. She said that she deliberately did not put the documents, because. considered that they were not sufficiently confirmed, while she submitted the rest of the documents, but they were clearly not enough to provide a visa. No one notified me that some of my documents were simply not put in, and no one returned the money for paperwork. If they asked me if I would apply, I would refuse, because. I understand that what they gave to the consulate is the minimum, but it was more important for them to keep these pennies. Outcome: bad mood, loss of nerves, money for a ticket to Kyiv, a stamp about the refusal of a passport

P.S. Friends went on the tour, which I did not manage to get into. Their impression is not very good. Organization of the tour at a low level. The main task of the escorts was to extort money, but not to provide services for this money.

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