Travel agency review Робинзон (Dnipro)

We chose this travel agency and were satisfied! I recommend!

Date of purchase: 25 december 2015
Written: 05 february 2016
Travel agency: Робинзон (Dnipro)
Service type: пакетный тур, отель, авиаперелёт, оформление визы

Good day to all! We went on New Year's holidays to bask in the sun in India, Goa with the travel agency "Robinson". And I want to say a big thank you to the director of the company - Melnikova Natalia, who really treated us with sincerity and great professionalism, and it was a pleasure to cooperate with, I'm not afraid of this word. She was pleased with the selection of hotels, taking into account all our requirements: and the location where we wanted; and the conditions are good, and the price is convenient, which was quite important. Since this trip to India was not the first, and we had previously traveled, unfortunately, not with Robinson, the choice of hotels provided was very pleasing. The price / quality ratio was really at a very high level. And choose the best of the best?. Next time, if we decide to go somewhere again, it will be only through Robinson. I recommend!

As for India, it is a country with open and friendly people, a very warm sea, a humid climate, fruits, positive emotions and unforgettable impressions. A country that does not tolerate fuss, haste, nervousness and lack of time, and which is ready to give all tourists a solid positive and real relaxation. If you are ready to enjoy, then go there!

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