Travel agency review Сакумс (Kyiv)

from you - pennies, from travel agencies - vibachennya

Date of purchase: 06 may 2023
Written: 08 june 2023
Travel agency: Сакумс (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, экскурсионный тур

If you just want someone to give their pennies - then you are here. On the paid sum, you take away a lot of inconsistencies with an advertising brochure, a lot of unacceptable surprises, as if you are staying in hotels, programs come in suttєve stages of the program), a lot of additional payments for those that you it was already given to pay, and richly vibachen. Rіznikh: vіdterminovannyh, schirih i no more. You don’t want to, and every once in a while you’ll be able to return/compensate for your reversal/compensation, you can endure looking at your food for the whole hour, and then you’ll be frozen in front of your rebate. And, and more: if you are looking for an excursion to someone who, through a call and a reservation for the program, you do not need free time in the city of Omri, you will be told that you have already bought entry tickets, and you can’t turn your back.

And despite the fact that at the same time the citizens of Ukraine enter freely!!! Special offer: only for you and only for Sakums entrance is paid))). Especially I will definitely not psuvatim my own moods by the servants of Sakums

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