Travel agency review Стайлиш Тур (Kyiv)

Lost passport

Date of purchase: 30 july 2012
Written: 22 august 2012
Travel agency: Стайлиш Тур (Kyiv)
Service type: отель

"The rest was not successful", "got nasty" - these are generally flowers. But on the eve of the trip, Stylish Tour lost my passport altogether. They made fools of us, generally denied that we gave it to them. Of course, they reimbursed 150 hryvnia - very nice of them. These are pennies compared not only to the cost of foreign travel, but also to certificates from the military registration and enlistment office. And the old visas are a pity, which were in the passport.

Very incompetent manager Veronica. Irresponsible person. Never trust these people with your documents! And the authorities also said that they believe their manager, that we took our passport ourselves and now we want to extort money from them. I repeat once again, never come close to this "cantor"

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